Further Together

As we embark on our third century, we find ourselves restless, knowing there is more to be done for our students. For our community. For the sake of the world as it could be.

To ready our students to make a consequential impact, we must equip them with the greatest guides, the finest tools, the most impactful opportunities. We must inspire them to examine and understand their world – that they might enact its brightest future.

With momentous philanthropy at our back, including from a coalition of alumni who have collectively donated $100 million to further HWS’ strategic priorities, we begin Further Together: The Campaign for Our Third Century.

Together, we will advance Hobart and William Smith by infusing $400 million into the lives of our students, our campus and our collective future.
graph campuscampus

Campaign News


Areas of Impact

Academic Excellence


For HWS as an institution and the sciences in particular, a comprehensive campaign is more than just an opportunity to secure the status quo. It is the opportunity—the necessity—to amplify and enhance the critical work of teaching, learning and research that prepares students to make a difference in the world. Our goal: to infuse $75 million into our academic enterprise.

Our Vision

  • Science Center

    Science Center

    Construct a state-of-the-art integrated science center, providing the physical facilities that allow for collaborations across disciplines and that showcase the sophistication of our science curriculum.

  • Endowed Professorships

    Endowed Professorships

    Create additional endowed professorships to recognize the exceptional teaching and research of our faculty, increasing opportunities and resources for scholarship and academic initiatives.

  • Summer Research

    Summer Research

    Significantly increase summer research opportunities, so our students can work side-by-side with faculty across a wide range of disciplines to better understand the world’s most pressing challenges.

Financial Aid & Scholarships


There is no area of need greater than support for student scholarships and financial aid. Our vision is to attract and educate students of character and potential, and to meet their talents and abilities with financial aid that allows them to graduate without the kind of debt that influences life decisions. With an ambitious goal of $145 million added to our financial aid budget, we will be able to meet students where they are and distribute funds in response to each family’s unique situation.

More on Financial Aid & Scholarships


Student Experience


As we prepare students to lead lives of consequence, we must empower them to become self-reflective and global citizens by providing co-curricular learning opportunities that enhance personal and professional growth, skill development and individual wellness in an environment that respects and values difference. Our goal is to provide $55 million of additional support for our students.

More on the Student Experience

Our Vision

  • Dedication

    The Residential Experience

    Design innovative and unique residential experiences that draw meaningful connections between academics and co-curricular living, promote community engagement and pride, and cultivate intercultural competence and holistic development.

    More on the Residental Experience
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    Health and Well-Being

    Create a holistic, nurturing environment that supports students in their personal and academic journeys by addressing not just physical health but also emotional, mental, social and spiritual well-being.

    More on Health and Well-Being
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    Career Services

    Building on nearly two decades of leadership in career services, evaluate, create and implement a set of forward-leaning recommendations that will make certain the Salisbury Center for Career, Professional and Experiential Education is the best of its kind in the nation.

    More on Career Services
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    Global Education

    Continue to advance our commitment to distinctive programming in global education by enhancing our global footprint through new programs around the world, innovative short-term programs during January and in the summer, and pre-departure and post-abroad initiatives unique to HWS..

    More on Global Education
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    Athletics and Recreation

    Building on a legacy of success and a recent expansion of athletic programs, invest in wellness and athletic facilities, staff and programming that match the ambitions of our coaches and student athletes, and that inspire pride and school spirit.

    More on Athletics and Recreation


Annual Giving


Hobart and William Smith’s Annual Fund is the lifeblood of the college experience, providing unrestricted support to such pillars as academics, internships and scholarships. While gifts to the Annual Fund can be budget-relieving, the real power lies in its ability to extend beyond the budget to allow HWS to offer our students competitive enhancements and experiences. Annual gifts are a spendable resource enabling HWS to apply funds to the areas of greatest need – and, indeed, the greatest opportunity. An additional $125 million in annual giving will be transformative.

More on Annual Giving


Your support will help our students create a brighter future for us all.