
You'll be taught and mentored by the best. Literally.
Professors. Scholars. Guides.
We have big plans for your ambitions.
You’re the reason we’re here, in this place that lets us put our students first.
We’re students, too. It’s just that we’ve been at it longer. We don’t have all the answers, but we’ll show you how answers get found.
By inviting you to join us in the lab. By challenging your assumptions. By lending our experience as you build your own.
We’ll look you in the eye and get to know you as you are. Then we’ll invite you to stand on our shoulders and see what that perspective offers.
Faculty Spotlight
FacultyMakker Authors New Book on Pioneering Planning Organization
Professor Makker’s research explores the Laurel Hill Association, founded by Mary Hopkins Goodrich in 1853, which reshaped the village of Stockbridge in the Berkshires into a model American town.
FacultyPliner Wins National Award in Academic Leadership
For her work shaping and supporting positive change on campus, Susan Pliner is the recipient of a national award for higher education administrators.
Faculty'All the Campus Lawyers' Earns Acclaim in the Los Angeles Review of Books
UC Berkeley Law School Dean reviews highly praised work.
Faculty-Student Mentorship
- In This Week in Photos, we showcase our extraordinary faculty, who are recognized as the best by the Princeton Review. Here, Professor of International Relations Kevin Dunn teaches “Introduction to International Relations” in Stern Hall.
- Assistant Professor of History Janette Gayle holds “Railroad to Freedom: The Underground Railroad in New York” in the Poole Family Admissions Center – the same location where abolitionist Harriet Tubman met with author Sarah Hopkins Bradford, who lived in the home and penned Tubman’s biography in 1869.
- Associate Professor of Dance and Movement Studies Kelly Johnson leads students in “Intro to Jamaican Dance” outside of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.
- Professor of Chemistry Justin Miller looks on as Jadon Layne '25 pulls pipettes to make thin layer chromatography spotters.
- Associate Professor of Sociology Kendra Freeman teaches “Data Analytics” in Stern Hall.
- Associate Professor of Theatre Chris Hatch leads students during rehearsal for “Much Ado About Nothing” in the McDonald Theatre.
- Professor of Psychological Science Julie Kingery teaches “Topics in Developmental Psychology” on the steps of Coxe Hall.
- Associate Professor of Politics DeWayne Lucas teaches "Intro to American Politics" in Stern Hall.
- Kevin Frost ’25 and Professor of Biology Meghan Brown examine Bloody Red Shrimp under microscopes in Eaton Hall.
- Associate Professor of Art and Architecture Stan Mathews gathers with students at the Roman Colosseum during the study abroad program.
- Professor of Spanish and Hispanic Studies May Farnsworth, Daniella Lorenzana ’26 and other students in “Intermediate Spanish” speak in Spanish while ice skating at the Cooler.
- With Professor of Economics Tom Drennen, Master of Science in Management students enjoy a Career Trek in Rochester, N.Y. Here, they visit Plug Power Inc. hosted by Operations Controller James Painton ’97, P’25.
- Led by Associate Professor of Psychological Science Emily Fisher (front center), students explore Arenal Volcano National Park during their J-term course “The Psychology of Consumerism and Sustainability on Latin America” in Costa Rica.
- During the First Year Seminar “Face to Face,” Visiting Associate Professor of Africana Studies James McCorkle leads a class discussion.
- Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Jonathan Forde teaches a statistics class.
- Professor of Religious Studies Erin Anwar engages with students participating in a group activity during “Ethical Debates in Medicine.”