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The families of our students play an important role in the HWS community. The Office of Parent Programs supports special family programming for events including new student Orientation in August, Homecoming and Family Weekend in September, and Commencement in May.
These parent webpages will help direct you to the various offices on campus that can assist you and answer questions. In addition, on this site we will post events of interest to parents throughout the year. You can also stay connected by joining the HWS Parents and Families Group on Facebook.
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Best regards,
Jennifer Murray
Director of Parent Programs
(315) 781-4068
While we enjoy seeing parents and families on campus throughout the year, we have a few major events that wouldn’t be the same without you.
Your student’s success is our priority. The links collected below are those frequently requested by parents and families seeking to support their student’s academic and personal journey. Please reach out to with questions or concerns not addressed on this page. We are here to help at every step.
Below are links to frequently visited webpages. A complete list of Offices can be found in the About section of the website.
Academic Calendar
Career Services/Internships
Center for Teaching and Learning
Deans' Offices
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Service Learning
Student Employment
Study Abroad
Warren Hunting Smith Library
Student Accounts
Financial Aid
Financial Aid for Returning Students
Campus Safety
Counseling Center
Hubbs Health Center
Student Life
Recreation and Wellness
Residential Education
Share My Info
Shuttles and Escorts
Spiritual Engagement
Title IX Programs and Compliance
Campus Map
Geneva and the Finger Lakes
Places to Stay
College Store
Community Standards
IT Services