Students who thrive at HWS are curious, passionate learners with a desire to challenge themselves and an interest in exploring many topics and points of view. They are open-minded and empathetic - eager to engage with communities, questions and problems that cross cultures and perspectives.
Sometimes they know exactly what they want to study, and sometimes they are devotedly undecided. It doesn't matter to us as long as they are curious, adventurous and open-minded.

You get a lot more out of college when there’s someone to show you the ropes.
If you know your intended major, we invite you to dive deep. If you're unsure, we'll help you explore and expand. When there's so much to discover, it's good to have a guide.
Our faculty take a keen interest in their students' ethical development. The best future will be created by people with the compassion and values to put their knowledge to best use for the benefit of all.
imagine what you might bring to our community, to your fellow students and professors and to the world
It's why we spend so much time reading your applications - to imagine what you might bring to our community, to your fellow students and professors and to the world.
Beyond what they learn in our classrooms and labs, our students gain so much from simply getting to know each other.
Which is why we're glad when prospective students take the time to really know us - by reading our website, visiting campus or talking with our people - so we know their decision to apply has been informed by experience and that the fit is likely to be a good one.
If we do our jobs right, the possibilities are limitless.

Than You Could Ever Imagine
The discoveries. The adventures. The incredible people. It all starts here, at the college search and application stage. We want to be part of your journey.
Submit an Application
Our students are people of high character who have done well in a rigorous course of high school study and who have applied their talents for the benefit of their school and community. Sound like you?
Request Information
The more we get to know you, the better the opportunities we can share.
Scholarships & Aid
College can be an expensive endeavor. That's why we offer generous need and merit based aid.
Visit Campus
Come meet us by the lake! Campus tours, information sessions, interviews and special programs are offered throughout the year.
Ways to Engage
Can't meet us by the lake? No problem. Get acquainted with HWS from wherever you are most comfortable.
Contact Us
Consider us your guides. We're here for you at every step on the road to college.
On their own, each of our students represents the highest ideals of integrity, scholarship and community engagement.
our student community represents a vibrant cross-section of the world's diversity
Together, our student community represents a vibrant cross-section of the world's diversity - of nationality, cultural background, academic interest, political inclination, gender identity, economic situation and life experience.
Applications: 5,883
Admitted: 3,767
Enrolled: 558
Early Decision: 25%
Average High School GPA: 3.62
8% submitted SAT scores; 89% have a composite score of 1200 or above
4% submitted ACT scores; 55% have a composite score of 30 or above
Multicultural Population: 22%
Percent from Out of State: 61%
Percent male-identifying/female-identifying/another gender: 45%/52%/3%