Be involved in preserving the Colleges’ past and securing its future by engaging through one of the following associations or affinity groups.

William Smith Alumnae Association

The mission of the William Smith Alumnae Association is to create an ever evolving range of programs and services so that all alumnae will seek to remain connected and engaged with the College and each other. Serving on special committees allows alumnae to use their special skills to advance the Colleges.

Hobart Alumni Association

The purpose of the Alumni Association of Hobart College is to promote the interests of Hobart College and its alumni and to provide means and methods to enable alumni and the College to better understand and serve one another. Serving on special committees allows alumnae to use their special skills to advance the Colleges.

The LGBTQIA+ Alumni Network

The LGBTQIA+ Alumni Network (The Network), a joint committee of the Hobart Alumni Association and the William Smith Alumnae Association, is “an active and vibrant organization of alums and friends that work toward improving the visibility and quality of life of LGBTQIA+ students and alums of the Colleges,” explain the group’s co-chairs Joshua Leach ’01 and Rachel Hadley ’13.

In addition to planning regional networking events and special on-campus engagements, The Network plans to:

  • Sponsor educational activities;
  • Provide information on activities and events of interest to the on campus LGBTQIA+ community;
  • Provide LGBTQIA+ related professional development guidance and networking opportunities;
  • Support the Colleges’ fundraising initiatives to support the needs for LGBTQIA+ students;
  • In partnership with Career Services, provide mentoring and support programs for students;
  • Advocate for LGBTQIA+ issues to the Colleges’ administration;
  • Support the LGBTQIA+ Resource Center on campus; and
  • Keep members informed of issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community.

The Network is looking for alums to support these goals and programs. To be added to the Network’s mailing list or to offer thoughts and feedback regarding these initiatives, email


Membership in the Heron Society means that you support an outstanding athletics program with a sphere of influence that extends far beyond the sports arena. The life lessons learned through participation in William Smith athletics programs prepare and guide our student-athletes for a lifetime.


For more than 40 years, the members of the SAA have put their shoulders firmly behind their beloved Statesmen. From 1971’s Charter Members to today’s 900-plus donors, the generous teamwork of Statesmen Athletic Association members has strengthened the athletics program at Hobart College and reinforced the educational experience of thousands of student-athletes.

Veterans' Committee

Through the Hobart and William Smith Alumni and Alumnae Associations, we have established a Veterans Committee as a means of creating a network to engage alums that have served in the armed forces.


There are numerous ways to serve the Colleges as an alum. Get involved by filling out our Volunteer Interest Form.

Class Correspondents

Alums serve the important roles of class correspondents and regional club volunteers to ensure that the friendships and memories made at Hobart and William Smith Colleges remain alive.

Career Services

Parents, alums and friends of the Colleges participate in panels and events sponsored by the Office of Career Services that provide students with invaluable insight into career options and opportunities. Volunteers take calls and e-mails from students asking about careers, geographic settings, graduate programs and more. Perhaps their most important contribution is to help place students in internships and first jobs. Join the Career Network.

Students can visit the office to access the Career Network database. Alums should email or call (315) 781-3514 for help with the database.

Refer an Exceptional Student for Admission

Graduates, families and friends of the Colleges are invited to recommend prospective students for admission to Hobart and William Smith through the HWS Plus One program. With the help of those who know HWS best, we can target admissions efforts toward students likely to thrive here.

HWS has rigorous admissions standards for applicants and high academic expectations for students. Recommend an exceptional student by submitting an HWS Plus One form.