- Minor
Art, undecided - Major / Minor
Africana Studies
Africa, Diaspora, undecided - Major / Minor
American Studies
America, undecided - Major / Minor
undecided - Major
Anthropology & Sociology
undecided - Minor
Aquatic Science
Marine Biology, undecided - Major / Pre-Professional Program
Architectural Studies
Architecture, undecided - Major / Minor
Art: Art History
undecided - Major / Minor
Art: Studio Art
undecided - Major / Minor
Asian Studies
Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, India, Asia, undecided - Minor
Atmospheric Science
Ozone, undecided - Minor
Bilingual Education
undecided - Major
Biochemistry, undecided - Major / Minor
Bio, Lab, Laboratory, Animals, undecided - Major / Minor
Bodies, Disability, and Justice
ableism, bodies, sexuality, queer, feminist, feminism - Major
Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Business, pre-business, prebusiness, Finance, Consulting, Real Estate, undecided - Major / Minor
Matter, undecided - Minor
Child Advocacy
undecided - Minor
Classical Studies
undecided, greek and roman studies - Major / Minor
Greek, Roman, Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, Classical Studies, undecided, greek and roman studies - Major / Minor
Computer Science
comp sci, Coding, Program, Data, undecided, Java, Python - Minor
Concentration in French
undecided - Minor
Critical Museum Studies
Collections, Collecting, Exhibits, Curation, Curating, Museums, undecided - Major / Minor
undecided - Minor
Data Analytics
Analytics, analysis, undecided - Major / Minor
Business, pre-business, prebusiness, Finance, Micro, Macro, Trade, Money Global Finance, Fiscal, Exchange, undecided - Major / Minor / Graduate Program
Educational Studies
Teaching, Teachers, undecided, education - Pre-Professional Program
undecided - Major / Minor
Literature, Motifs, Denouement, Metaphors, undecided, creative writing, lyric essay - Minor
Entrepreneurial Studies
Entrepreneurship, undecided - Major
Environmental Science
Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Environment, Climate Change, sustainability, Earth Sciences, Earth Science, Ecosystems - Major / Minor
Environmental Studies
Sustainability, Earth Sciences, Earth Studies, Climate, Climate Change, undecided, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science - Minor
European Studies
undecided, Europe, European Union, Arts, Culture, Renaissance, Enlightenment, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland - Major / Minor
French and Francophone Studies
undecided - Major / Minor
Gender and Feminist Studies
women's studies, queer studies, feminist studies - Program
Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectional Justice
gender, sexuality, feminism, queer, LGBTQ+, women's studies, men's studies, critical sexuality and queer studies, gay studies, bisexual studies, transgender studies, transgender, bipoc - Major / Minor
undecided - Minor
German Area Studies
undecided - Major / Minor
undecided, greek and roman studies - Major / Minor
Greek and Roman Studies
greek and roman studies, greek, classics, classical studies, latin - Pre-Professional Program
Health Professions
Medicine, Dentistry, Healthcare, Veterinary, Physician, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Doctor, Pre-Med, Pre Med, Pre dental, pre health, pre nursing, pre nutrition and dietetics, pre occupational therapy, pre optometry, pre physical therapy, pre physician assistant, pre sports medicine and athletic training, pre veterinary, public health, undecided - Major / Minor
undecided - Minor
Holocaust Studies
undecided - Major
Individual Major
Independent Major, Independent, undecided - Program
Institute for Global Studies
Africana Studies, Anthropology, Asian Studies, European Studies, French Francophone and Italian Studies, German Area Studies, International Relations, Latin American Studies, Russian Area Studies, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, French, Italian, Arabic, Ancient Greek, Institute for Global Studies, Global Studies, Global - Major / Minor
International Relations
Politics, undecided - Minor
Italian Studies
undecided, Italian, Italy - Major / Minor
undecided, greek and roman studies - Major / Minor
Latin American Studies
undecided - Minor
Law and Society
undecided - Major / Minor
Lgbtq+ Studies
lgbtq studies, gay studies, bisexual studies, queer studies, critical sexuality and queer studies, LGBTQ+, gender studies, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Gender Identity, undecided - Graduate Program
Master of Arts in Higher Education Leadership
undecided - Graduate Program
Master of Arts in Teaching
Education, Teaching, Teachers, undecided - Graduate Program
Master of Science in Management
Business, pre-business, prebusiness, finance, undecided - Major / Minor
Calculus, Algebra, Functions, Trigonometry, Linear Equations, Equations, Formulas, Geometry, undecided - Major / Minor
Media & Society
Communications, communications, FIlm, Representation, TV, Videos, Videography, Television, undecided, Media and Society - Minor
Movement Studies
Movement Studies, Dance, undecided - Major / Minor
undecided - Minor
Music Administration and Entrepreneurship
Music Production, Music Producing, undecided - Minor
Peace Studies
undecided - Major / Minor
Ethics, Arguments, Conclusions, undecided - Major / Minor
Energy, space, Astronomy, undecided - Major / Minor
Political Science, Politics, Government, undecided - Pre-Professional Program
Pre-Law Program
Pre-Law, Law, Lawyer, Legal, Court, undecided - Major / Minor
Psychological Science
Neurology, Brain, Cognitive, undecided - Major
Public Health Studies
Public Health, Medicine, Dentistry, Healthcare, Veterinary, Physician, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Doctor, Pre-Med, Pre Med, Pre dental, pre health, pre nursing, pre nutrition and dietetics, pre occupational therapy, pre optometry, pre physical therapy, pre physician assistant, pre sports medicine and athletic training, pre veterinary, undecided - Minor
Public Health
Public Health, Medicine, Dentistry, Healthcare, Veterinary, Physician, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Doctor, Pre-Med, Pre Med, Pre dental, pre health, pre nursing, pre nutrition and dietetics, pre occupational therapy, pre optometry, pre physical therapy, pre physician assistant, pre sports medicine and athletic training, pre veterinary, undecided - Minor
Public Policy Studies
Laws, Legislation, Government, Agenda, undecided - Major / Minor
Religious Studies
Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, undecided - Minor
Russian Area Studies
undecided - Minor
Russian Language
undecided - Major / Minor
Criminal Justice, undecided - Major / Minor
Spanish and Hispanic Studies
undecided - Pre-Professional Program
Teacher Education Program
Teaching, Teachers, undecided - Major / Minor
undecided - Minor
Writing Colleagues
undecided - Major / Minor
Writing and Rhetoric
Journalism, Professional Writing, undecided, theories of writing