Distinguished Faculty AwardThomas J. Glover

Thomas J. Glover
Professor Emeritus of Biology
A member of the biology faculty from 1972 to 2012, Glover is a geneticist whose research focuses on arthropods and pheromone-mediated behavior in insects. His wide-published scholarship has examined the genetic control of sex pheromone communication in European corn borers; the canalization of pheromone blends in redbanded leafroller moths; and the genetic basis of pesticide resistance in Drosophila and two-spotted spider mites. Among other courses, he taught genetics, biostatistics and biometry and co-directed abroad programs to Queensland, Australia with Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Computer Science Kevin Mitchell. Glover, who earned his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from Ohio State University, is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Biological Sciences, the Entomological Society of America and Sigma Xi, the international science and engineering honor society. He also served as the president of the board of the Center of Concern in Geneva. In 1995, Hobart and William Smith awarded him the Faculty Teaching Prize. Read more here.
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