Recent Grads
nick kriak '22
Current Location: New York, NY
Majors: Economics and Educational Studies
Describe your HWS experience in 140 characters
My experience at HWS was one that I will always be grateful for because of the everlasting memories I made.
What were some of the opportunities you took advantage of while
at HWS on and off campus?
One opportunity that I took advantage of at HWS was studying abroad in New Zealand. It was a great way to immerse myself in a new culture and experience a new perspective. During these four months, I underwent a substantial amount of personal growth and understanding that I believe will be crucial for my future.
Was there a particular professor or HWS mentor who was essential to your path?
Hobart Soccer Head Coach Shawn Griffin was my main mentor as he ingrained core values within me that I will always exemplify in my day-to-day life. He is definitely someone I will always hold gratitude and respect for.
How did HWS prepare you for your current role or your future?
HWS prepared me for my future through the skill sets I acquired in the classroom and on the athletic field. The Economics classes allowed me to enhance my critical thinking skills while the Educational Studies classes further developed my interpersonal skills. Being on the men’s soccer team and fulfilling the role of a captain has taught me how to become a leader in all facets of life. The combination of these three has forced me to grow intellectually and is the reason I got to where I am.