Volunteer Leadership Summit
April 18-20, 2024
Join President Mark D. Gearan and Chair of the Board of Trustees Craig Stine ’81, P’17 for a Volunteer Leadership Summit, Thursday, April 18 - Saturday, April 20, 2024, to learn more about the strategic direction of Hobart and William Smith as well as our upcoming capital campaign.
We look to our most engaged volunteers for feedback and support of the initiatives in the new strategic plan and subsequent capital campaign.
HWS would like to thank Former Trustee Jim F. Anderton IV '65 for underwriting the Summit, and for recognizing the importance of the role you all play as we move into the third century at HWS.
Schedule of Events
Thursday, April 18
- 5 p.m. - Welcome Reception
- 7 p.m. - President’s Forum with Robert B. Karofsky '89, President of the Investment Bank, UBS
Friday, April 19
- 8 a.m. - Breakfast
- 9 a.m.-12 p.m. - Morning programming including a State of the Colleges Address, Institutional Priorities and Student Panel
- 12-2 p.m. – Working Lunch: Storytelling and Campaign Update
- 2:30-4:30 p.m. – Championing Scholarship and Showcasing Academic Excellence at HWS
- 4:30-6:30 p.m. - Break
- 6:30 p.m. - Reception and Dinner
Saturday, April 20
- 8 a.m. - Breakfast and select individual Volunteer Group Meetings
- 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. - 30th Anniversary of HWS Day of Service
- Noon - William Smith Tennis vs. SUNY Geneseo and Hobart Lacrosse vs. High Point University
Hotel Accommodations
We Need Your Support
Thank you for your continued contributions to Hobart and William Smith. The good work of our volunteers enables us to regularly gather in community at events and celebrations, enroll a class of dynamic students, shepherd our graduates into the workforce and provide HWS students with a relationship-rich educational experience. We ask that you:
- Stay connected to the HWS community by hosting or joining us at an upcoming event. Visit our events calendar for more information or contact Executive Director of Alumni and Alumnae Relations Chevanne DeVaney '95, P'21, P'23 at (315) 781-4069 or devaney@hws.edu.
- Help current students on their career journeys by offering a job shadow or internship experience. Indicate your volunteer availability online or contact Executive Director of Career Services Brandi Ferrara at (315) 781-3514 or bferrara@hws.edu to discuss the opportunities.
- Engage with Admissions to help connect exceptional high school students to a Hobart and William Smith education. Learn more about the Admissions Volunteer Network or contact Director of the Admissions Volunteer Network Mary Kerwick P’27 at (315) 781-3622 or mkerwick@hws.edu.
- Make your annual gift, of any amount. Make your gift online or contact Executive Director of Annual and Athletic Giving Dulcie Meyer P’20 to explore additional giving opportunities.
- Consider a planned gift, creating a legacy at HWS without impacting your current lifestyle. We look forward to welcoming you to the Wheeler Society when you formally include Hobart and William Smith in your long term plans. Learn more about planned giving opportunities or contact Director of Development Angela Tallo ’05 at (315) 781-3545 or tallo@hws.edu to discuss your options.
- Stay up-to-date on all things HWS by following @HWSColleges on your favorite social platform.