Why I Give
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Sue Tully '88

I give to William Smith in gratitude for what was given to me as a student. I know how much I benefitted from those who came before me and have supported the Colleges in the past and feel it is my obligation to provide those same opportunities to students of the future. I have so much as a result of my William Smith experience. The liberal arts, bidisciplinary curriculum gave me a different experience from the typical math major and allowed me to make professional transitions very few have made in my industry. The coordinate system provided leadership opportunities that would have been more limited at a traditional college. I found the man to build my life with at Hobart, Joe Tully '88. As an alumna, I have had additional opportunities to connect and have found an extended family beyond those I shared campus with that only makes my connection to William Smith that much more meaningful. I take none of this for granted - my annual fund gift is a very small gesture in acknowledging all that William Smith means to my life.