Why I Give
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Andrea Ormond '91

The Colleges stood by me when I stumbled and made rookie mistakes as a freshman, and they supported me when I graduated with honors. They really took all of me and never lost faith in me; HWS had confidence in me during the times when I wasn't too sure of myself. I feel more connected to Hobart and William Smith than ever before, which I didn't expect would happen 20 years ago when I graduated. I could not have anticipated that the more time passed, the more passionate I would feel about the Colleges, the administration, the Finger Lakes area, the current and former student body and their well-being, Alumni House, the faculty and staff members, and my HWS classmates. That is why I give, and that's what makes HWS my priority. What began as a sense of obligation and pride the first time I gave to the Colleges in 1991 has transformed into a ritual of gratitude for all of the opportunities that HWS has given me.