Why I Give
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Laura Knust '78

“I give because my years at William Smith were the best of my life. I was so fortunate to have the experiences I did while there. During my years at the Colleges, I was an accompanist in the Music Department and had the best voice coach on the planet—Professor of Music Ron Cox P'76. I went on to a successful singing career, performing with notable people in the field and traveling around the world. I was fortunate, in a way, to fail “Intro Biology” my very first semester. It was jarringly obvious that I was going to have to put more effort into this endeavor than high school, in which I had never failed a course and easily excelled. The personal pride in becoming an achiever during my William Smith years has grown my self-confidence, and led me to become an entrepreneurial thinker and successful businesswoman. I have stayed in touch with many professors, fellow students, places and interests related to HWS for close to 40 years now - because my continued contact with them reminds me of how special those four years of my life were.”