Why I Give
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Jacqueline M. Paolino '14

Current Position:
Project Coordinator in the New York State Governor’s Office of Motion Picture and TV Development
Current Location:
New York, N.Y.
I give to the Colleges because if it were not for HWS, I would not be the person I am today. A couple of years after I graduated, I met Dan Gadigian ’11; we are now going on three years together. If it weren't for HWS, I wouldn't have had the privilege of knowing and being mentored by President Emeritus Mark D. Gearan L.H.D.’17 and Mary Herlihy Gearan L.H.D. ’17 and their daughters, Madeline and Kathleen, who taught me about giving back to the community and believing in my dreams. If it weren't for HWS, I would never have shared so many experiences with my mom Lianne Andreoni Paolino ’81, P’14, whose HWS friends have become like uncles and aunts to me. If it weren't for HWS, I would not have been able to study all of my passions, from politics with political science faculty like Iva Deutchman, DeWayne Lucas and Joseph Mink, to the important counterpart in women's and men’s studies with Chip Capraro, to the fine arts with art and architecture faculty like Liliana Leopoldi and Ted Aub. These people shaped who I am today. Thank you HWS for believing in my dreams.