Why I Give
William “Bill” Kommalan ’64, P’99

Associate Broker, Long & Foster Real Estate
Pasadena, Md.
To me, Hobart and William Smith have graduated many fine men and women, who have contributed well to our country and world. I have lived overseas twice, traveled around the world in my life and the Colleges have journeyed with me.
I graduated June of 1959 from St. Paul’s School in Baltimore and entered into the International Youth Exchange. For a year, I lived with a German family and attended the Naturwissenshaft Gymnasium in Rheinhausen. It was an adventure and at 18-19 years of age, it changed everything for me. I unofficially adopted my Germany family and obtained an extended view of the world. The students at the Gymnasium, were on track to pursue professional careers and postgraduate education and also influenced me. While in Germany, I connected with Dean John Witte and made the commitment to attend Hobart College.
At the Colleges, I studied American History and I joined Theta Delta Chi. During my junior year, I was flunking my classes and left school to join the Army. I returned to HWS after six months. Dean Atkinson welcomed me back to campus. He challenged me to a bet that I would have to get C’s or better in all of my classes in the coming 3 semesters. I didn’t realize until later I would need those C’s in order to graduate. I managed to finish my degree. I was not an academic student, but I did get an A in my music and art classes. Western Civilization as a study also made a difference to me in my travels and in raising three children.
HWS also provided an entrée for my daughter to realize her place in the world. Penelope Kommalan Brisson is a William Smith alumna of the Class of '99 and established herself in her own right on campus. Uniquely Penny and I will always celebrate our 5th year reunions together. My best friend is Reverend Charles “Charlie” Cloughen '64, who I met my first day on campus in September of 1960. Charlie officiated at my wedding to Debbie 48 years ago. Plus he is Penny's godfather. He officiated at Penny's marriage to Phillip (the former organist at St. John’s Chapel) and baptized their daughter Charlotte - a potential triple legacy for the William Smith class of 2033. I have stood with Charlie at his wedding and am godfather to his son Chuck. My brother J. David Kommalan ’67 and I attended HWS together. His daughter Kristina, born the summer before his senior year, lived her first year at HWS. Obviously, HWS has been a force entwined in my life for so many years.
I never felt accumulating wealth was a distinctive objective. However, I give back to the Colleges with my time and a contribution because of what my classmates, family and I have shared together on and off campus, in our lives beyond. I am looking forward to Hobart’s Bicentennial in 2022 and our 60th year Reunion in 2024. See you at the “Oaks.”
Above, William “Bill” Kommalan ’64, P’99 gathers with his daughter Penelope Kommalan Brisson ’99, brother J. David Kommalan ’67 and granddaughter Charlotte for a family photo.