Idea Lab Logo

What is it?

IdeaLab is designed to bring student ideas to reality as well as promote an entrepreneurial mindset on the HWS campus. IdeaLab offers a creative environment, peer feedback, mentoring resources, and structured workshops for new student ideas. This program is designed to power up your product, service or organization idea in six weeks. At the end, participants can submit a proposal to the Pitch Competition or the Opell Start-Up Fund Committee for funding to advance their idea.

The IdeaLab is the perfect preparation program for those looking to participate in The Pitch competition, and ALL majors are encouraged to participate!


student spotlight: Nick Jones '26

As a student leader for the Idea Lab, I shared my passion of entrepreneurship with peers who were equally as enthusiastic about the topic. Throughout the semester, we had lectures about entrepreneurial concepts, conversations to spark creativity and cultivate ideas, and my favorite - the empty chair activity. At the end of each weekly session, brave souls would volunteer to sit back facing the audience and have 30 seconds to share their most innovative ideas. After 30 seconds, the courageous volunteer received open-ended, constructive feedback from the audience - the caveat: they weren't allowed to respond to the feedback. Hearing these uniquely authentic ideas provoked the thoughts and imagination of myself and the audience members. My biggest takeaway from Idea Lab is that market-disrupting and world-changing ideas don't come from the mind of one individual, but from the community and rapport of ideas melding together. The Idea Lab is an incubator that allows ideas to become more remarkable than they were when they first entered the room, thanks to the collaboration of beautiful minds.

When is it?

Fall 2024 IdeaLab will run from 7-8:15 p.m. on consecutive Wednesdays starting September 18 and ending October 23. Locations indicated below:

9/18: Sanford Room
9/25: Sanford Room
10/2: Bartlett Theatre
10/9: Bartlett Theatre
10/16: Bartlett Theatre
10/23: Sanford Room

Who is eligible?

Any current HWS student can apply, and ALL majors and levels of experience are welcome. You do not need an idea to participate in IdeaLab. Instead, come with an open mind and a willingness to brainstorm new ideas with your peers!

What will I learn?

The IdeaLab has assembled an array of faculty and staff to instruct workshops in topics such as idea creation, customer discovery, market segmentation, cost structure and strategic planning. Additionally, we will tap into our alumni network for expertise in marketing, design or management. You’ll receive peer feedback, instructor challenge, mentor expertise and potential funding to support the implementation of your idea.

9/18: Problem (Sanford Room)
9/25: Customer Segments & Industry Trends (Sanford Room)
10/2: Solution & Value Proposition (Bartlett Theatre)
10/9: Competitors & Implementation Timeline (Bartlett Theatre)
10/16: Social & Environmental Responsibilities (Bartlett Theatre)
10/23: Pitches (Sanford Room)