Theodore Allen

Theodore J AllenProfessor of PhysicsChair, Physics
Joined faculty in 1998
Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Caltech (1988)
M.S. Physics Caltech (1984)
B.S. AMEP University of Wisconsin-Madison (1982)
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
- Theoretical Physics
- QCD String Theory
- Quantization of Constrained Systems
Teaching Experience
- Hobart & William Smith Colleges, 2000-Present
- SUNY Utica/Rome, 1999-2000
- Hobart & William Smith Colleges, 1998-1999
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994-1998
- Caltech, 1983-1988
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980-1981
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Syracuse University, 1988-1991
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, 1991-1993
- Research Scientist, University of Wisconsin, 1993-1995
Courses Taught
- Introductory Physics I: Mechanics & Waves
- Introductory Physics II: Electromagnetism & Optics
- Modern Physics
- Thermal Physics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Classical Mechanics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Relativity, Spacetime and Gravity
- Advanced Laboratory
Theodore J. Allen, "Spin in Schrodinger-quantized Pseudoclassical Systems,'' J. Math. Phys. 62 102101 (2021).
Theodore J. Allen, Donald Spector, and Christopher Wilson, "Quantization of Pseudoclassical Systems in the Schrodinger Realization," J. Math. Phys. 61 052106 (2020).
Theodore J. Allen, Todd Coleman, M.G. Olsson, and Sinisa Veseli, "Universal light quark mass dependence and heavy light meson spectroscopy," Physical Review D 69, 074010 (2004).
Theodore J. Allen, M.G. Olsson, and J.R. Schmidt, "QCD strings with spinning quarks," Physical Review D 69, 054013 (2004).
Theodore J. Allen and M.G. Olsson, "Reduction of the QCD string to a time component vector potential," Physical Review D 68, 054022 (2003).
Theodore J. Allen, Todd Coleman, M.G. Olsson, and Sinisa Veseli, "QCD String Structure in Vector Confinement," Physical Review D 67, 054016 (2003).
Theodore J. Allen, Charles Goebel, M.G. Olsson, and Sinisa Veseli, "Analytic Quantization of the QCD String," Physical Review D 64, 094011 (2001).
Theodore J. Allen, M.G. Olsson, and Sinisa Veseli, "From Scalar to String Confinement," Physical Review D 62, 094021 (2000).
Theodore J. Allen, M.G. Olsson, and J.R. Schmidt, “A note on the computation of mode sums,” Physical Review D 62, 066006 (2000).
Theodore J. Allen, M.G. Olsson, and Sinisa Veseli, “Curved QCD string dynamics,” Physical Review D 60, 074026 (1999).
Theodore J. Allen, M.G. Olsson, and Sinisa Veseli, "Adiabatic String Shape for Nonuniform Rotation," Physical Review D 59, 094011 (1999).
Theodore J. Allen, M.G. Olsson, and Sinisa Veseli, "Excited glue and the vibrating flux tube,'' Phys. Lett. B 434, 110 (1998).
Theodore J. Allen, Andrew J. Bordner, and Dennis B. Crossley, "Phase space reduction and vortex statistics: An anyon quantization ambiguity,'' Phys. Rev. D 49, 6907 (1994).
Theodore J. Allen and Dennis B. Crossley, "Harmonic BRST quantization of systems with irreducible holomorphic Boson and Fermion constraints,'' Phys. Rev. D 47, 5494 (1993).
Theodore J. Allen, M.J. Bowick, and A. Lahiri, "Topological mass generation in 3+1 dimensions,'' Mod. Phys. Lett. A6, 559 (1991).
T. J. Allen, B. Grinstein, and M.B. Wise, "Non-Gaussian density perturbations in inflationary cosmologies,'' Phys. Lett. B 197, 66 (1987).
Office Hours
Monday 2:30 – 3:30
Friday 2:00 – 4:00