
Bradley CosentinoProfessor of BiologyChair, Environmental Science

Joined faculty in 2012

Ph.D., University of Illinois
B.A., Augustana College (IL)

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Contact Information

Eaton HallPhone (315) 781-4602Personal Homepage

Scholarly Interest

Wildlife ecology and evolution; Conservation biology


I study how environmental change affects the ecology and evolution of wildlife populations. My current projects include:

  • Ecology and evolution of coat color in gray squirrels
  • Legacy effects of agriculture on wildlife in forest ecosystems
  • Biodiversity responses to grassland restoration in the Chihuahuan Desert
  • Galapagos Vital Signs: real-time monitoring of biophysical indicators and biodiversity
  • New York Amphibian and Reptile Survey: examining how amphibians and reptiles respond to land use and climate change in New York state

Courses Taught

Ecology, Evolutionary genetics, Conservation biology, Biostatistics, Human nature (senior seminar)


Selected publications (see my homepage or Google Scholar page for a complete list):

Cosentino, B.J., R.L. Schooley, B.T. Bestelmeyer, H. Campos, and L.M. Burkett. 2019. Does habitat disturbance promote geogrpahical parthenogenesis in whiptail lizards? Evolutionary Ecology 33:839–853. Link

Gibbs, J.P., M.F. Buff, and B.J. Cosentino. 2019. The biological system - Urban wildlife, adaptation, and evolution: urbanization as a driver of contemporary evolution in gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). In Understanding Urban Ecology, M.H. Hall and S. Balogh, editors. Springer. Link

Cosentino, B.J.  and K.M. Brubaker. 2018. Effects of land use legacies on salamander abundance. Landscape Ecology 33:1573-1584. Link

Bowne, D., B.J. Cosentino, L.J. Anderson, et al. 2018. Effects of urbanization on population structure of freshwater turtles across the United States. Conservation Biology 32:1150-1161. Link

Cosentino, B.J., J.D. Moore, N.E. Karraker, M. Ouellet, and J.P. Gibbs. 2017. Evolutionary response to global change: climate and land use interact to shape color polymorphism in a woodland salamander. Ecology and Evolution 7:5426-5434. Link

Hager, S.B., B.J. Cosentino, M.A. Aguilar-Gómez, M. L. Anderson, M. Bakermans, et al. 2017. Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America. Biological Conservation 212:209-215. Link

Cosentino, B.J. and D.C. Droney. 2016. Movement behaviour of woodland salamanders is repeatable and varies with forest age in a fragmented landscape. Animal Behaviour 121:137-146. Link

Cosentino, B.J., R.L. Schooley, B.T. Bestelmeyer, A.J. McCarthy, and K. Sierzega. 2015. Rapid genetic restoration of a keystone species exhibiting delayed demographic response. Molecular Ecology 24:6120:6133.

Cosentino, B.J., D.M. Marsh, et al. 2014. Citizen science reveals widespread negative effects of roads on amphibian distributions. Biological Conservation 180:31-38. Link

Cosentino, B.J., R.L. Schooley, B.T. Bestelmeyer, J.F. Kelly, and J.M. Coffman. 2014Constraints and time lags for recovery of a keystone species (Dipodomys spectabilis) after landscape restoration. Landscape Ecology 29:665-675. Link

Cosentino, B.J.,  C.A. Phillips, R.L. Schooley, W.H. Lowe, and M.R. Douglas. 2012. Linking extinction-colonization dynamics to genetic structure in a salamander metapopulation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:1575-1582. Link

Cosentino, B.J., R.L. Schooley, and C.A. Phillips. 2011. Connectivity of agroecosystems: dispersal costs can vary among crops. Landscape Ecology 26:371-379. Link

Lowe, W.H., M.A. McPeek, G.E. Likens, and B.J. Cosentino. 2008. Linking movement behavior to dispersal and divergence in plethodontid salamanders. Molecular Ecology 17:4459-4469. Link