Thomas Drennen

Thomas DrennenThe Stine Family Endowed Chair in Management and EntrepreneurshipProfessor of Management and EntrepreneurshipCo-Chair, Management and EntrepreneurshipChair, Music Administration and Entrepreneurship
Joined faculty in 1997
Ph.D. in Resource Economics, Department of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics, Cornell University, 1993
M.A. in Public Policy, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, 1988
Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Energy Use and Climate Change
Energy Efficiency
Electricity production costs
The U.S. and China's Environmental Policy
Climate Change Policy
Gas Prices, Oil Prices
Hydrogen as an Energy Source
Nuclear power economics and policy
Chinese energy demand
Courses Taught
- Econ 212: Environmental Economics
- Econ 348: Natural Resource and Energy Economics
- MGMT 201: Quantitative Tools
- MGMT 501: Management Strategies for a Changing World
Thomas E. Drennen and Jennifer Rosthal, “Pathways to a Hydrogen Future”, Elsevier Press, 2007.
Kaiser, H. and T. Drennen, editors, Agricultural Dimensions of Global Climate Change, St. Lucie Press, 1993.
Selected Journal Articles
Roeck, M. and T. Drennen, “Life cycle assessment of behind-the-meter Bitcoin mining at US Power plant,” International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, February 28, 2022.
Lewis, R., B. Barile, T. Drennen, R. Beutner, “Using sustainability education to enhance a sense of belonging and community among first-year college students,” Journal of Sustainability Education, Vol. 21, December 2019.
Freeman, G., T. Drennen, and A. White, “Can Parked Cars and Carbon Taxes Create a Profit? The Economics of Vehicle-to-Grid Energy Storage for Peak Reduction”, Energy Policy, July 2017.
T. Drennen and D. Magee, “Nuclear Power Prospects in a Post-Tsunami East Asia”, China Environment Series 12: Special Water and Energy Issue, Wilson Center, 2013.
P. Glibert et al., “Ocean Fertilization for Carbon Credits Poses High Ecological Risks”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2008. [one of many co-authors, responsible for economic analysis].
P.H. Kobos, J.D. Erickson, T.E. Drennen, “Technological Learning and Renewable Energy Costs: Implications for U.S. Renewable Energy Policy”, Energy Policy (34), 2006.
P. Kobos, J. Erickson, and T. Drennen, “Scenario Analysis of Chinese Passenger Vehicle Growth”, Contemporary Policy Issues, April 2003.
T. Drennen and J. Erickson, “Who Will Fuel China?”, Science, Vol. 279, March 6, 1998.
Drennen, T., J. Erickson, and D. Chapman. "Solar Power and Climate Change Policy in Developing Countries", Energy Policy, January 1996.
Major Published Governmental Reports
Drennen, T. and S. Schoenung. “Global Hydrogen Resource Analysis, Final Report of Task 30, Subtask A, of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA).” International Energy Agency, Paris, 10.13140/RG.2.2.14638.31046, 2015.
T. Drennen, J. Andruski, T. Skone, and J. Adder, “Power Systems Life Cycle Analysis Tool”, Version 2.0, National Energy Technology Laboratory, June 2012.
T. Drennen, R. Williams, and A. Baker, “Alternative Liquid Fuels Simulation Model (AltSim)”, Version 2.0, National Energy Technology Laboratories, March 2010.
T. Drennen and A. Baker, “The Economic Outlook for Nuclear Power in the U.S.”, SAND2005-5762, Sandia National Laboratories, September 2005.
T. Drennen, A. Baker, and W. Kamery, “Electricity Generation Cost Simulation Model (GenSim)”, SAND2002-2276, Sandia National Laboratories, March 2005.
T. Drennen, O. Paananen, A. Baker, and D. Harris, "U.S. Energy and Greenhouse Gas Model: User's Guide", Version 1.1, SAND2000-2638, Sandia National Laboratories, January 2002.
T. Drennen, O. Paananen, A. Baker, and D. Harris, "Technical Description of the U.S. Energy and Greenhouse Gas Model", Version 1.1, SAND2000-2637, Sandia National Laboratories, January 2002.
T. Drennen, R. Haitz, and J. Tsao, “A Market Diffusion and Energy Impact Model for Solid-State Lighting”, SAND2001-2830J, Sandia National Laboratories, August 2001.
U.S. Association of Energy Economists
- Senior Fellow, 2018.
- VP of Membership and Chapters, 2017 to present
- VP of Conferences, 2015 – 2017
- VP of Academic Affairs, 2013 – 2015
- Secretary/Treasurer, 2011-2013
Solar Farm #1: Gates Road
Dedication of the Bozzuto Center for Entrepreneurship