Kendralin Freeman

Kendralin FreemanAssociate Professor of SociologyChair, SociologyCo-Chair, Data Analytics
Joined faculty in 2011
Ph.D., Emory University, 2010
M.A., Emory University, 2008
B.A., Case Western Reserve University, 2002
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Social Stratification; Production of Racial Inequality; Quantitative Methods; Sociology of Education; Children and Youth; Critical Methodology
Teaching Experience
Emory University (2008-2010)
HWS (2011-Present)
Courses Taught
Introduction to Sociology
Data Analysis
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Sociology of Education
Kids and Contention
White Mythologies
Race and Education
Senior Seminar Practicum
Kendralin J. Freeman, Dennis J. Condron, and Christina R. Steidl. 2020. “Structures of Stratification: Advancing a Sociological Debate over Culture and Resources." Critical Sociology.
Jason Rodriguez, Naomi Glenn-Levin Rodriguez & Kendralin Freeman. 2018. Student Evaluations of Teaching: Phrenology in the 21st Century? Race Ethnicity and Education.
Freeman, Kendralin J. and Christina R. Steidl. 2016. “Distribution, Composition & Exclusion: How School Segregation Impacts Racist Disciplinary Patterns.” Race and Social Problems 8(2): 171-185.
Rodriguez, Jason and Kendralin J. Freeman. 2016. “ ‘Your Focus on Race is Narrow and Exclusive:’ The Derailment of Anti-Racist Work through Discourses of Intersectionality and Diversity.” Whiteness and Education 1(1): 69-82.
Freeman, Kendralin J. and Mark Berends. 2016. “The Catholic School Advantage in a Changing Social Landscape: Consistency or Increasing Fragility?” Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform 10(1): 22-47.
Condron, Dennis J., Daniel Tope, Christina R. Steidl, and Kendralin J. Freeman. 2013. “Racial Segregation and the Black/White Achievement Gap, 1990-2009.” The Sociological Quarterly 54: 130-157.
Freeman, Kendralin J. and Dennis J. Condron. 2011. “Schmoozing in Elementary School: The Importance of Social Capital to First Graders.” Sociological Perspectives 54(4): 521-546.
Hicks, Alexander and Kendralin J. Freeman. 2009. “Pension Income Replacement: Permanent and Transitory Determinants.” Journal of European Public Policy 16(1): 127-143.
Archibald, Matthew and Kendralin J. Freeman. 2008. “Professional and Political Alliances, Legitimating Authority, and the Longevity of Health Movement Organizations.” Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and Change 28: 171-206.
Southern Sociological Society
American Sociological Association