Jessica Hayes-Conroy

Jessica Hayes-ConroyAssociate Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectional JusticeChair, Public Health
Joined faculty in 2011
Ph.D. Penn State University, 2009 (Geography and Women's Studies)
M.A. University of Vermont, 2005 (Geography)
B.A. Bryn Mawr College, 2003 (The Growth and Structure of Cities)
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
My scholarship has focused on the intersection of food activism, bodily health, and socio-spatial difference. Trajectories and questions within this focus include an examination of the role that school garden and cooking gardens play in encouraging food-based social change, an analysis of dietary decolonization as a strategy of nutrition intervention, and a study of the impacts of the March 11, 2011 Japan disaster on the the daily lives of Fukushima residents. My most recent work envolves the field of "critical nutrition", and asks: how can we practice nutrition in ways that account for social inequality, cultural tradition, and embodied difference?
Courses Taught
The Politics of Health
Food, Feminism, and Health
Topics in Feminist Health
Gender and Geography
Introduction to Women's Studies
Feminist Theory
Place and Health
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2014, Savoring Alternative Food: School Gardens, Visceral Experience, and Social Difference, Routledge.
Edited Volumes
Hayes-Conroy, J. and Hayes-Conroy A. Eds. 2013, Doing Nutrition Differently: Critical Perspectives on Nutrition Intervention, Ashgate Press.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Hayes-Conroy, J. and Hayes-Conroy, A. 2018 “Critical Nutrition: Critical and Feminist Perspectives on Bodily Nourishment,” in Food and Place: A Critical Exploration, Rowman and Littlefield (Pascale Joassart‐Marcelli and Fernando J. Bosco Eds.)
Davis, S. and Hayes-Conroy, J. 2017. “Living with contamination: alternative perspectives and lessons from the Marshall Islands,” in Unravelling the Fukushima Disaster, Routledge, 121-136. (Yamakawa, M. and Yamamoto, D. Eds.)
Hayes-Conroy, J. and Hayes-Conroy A. 2016. “Bodily Well-Being and the Visceral Geographies of the Rural,” in International Handbook of Rural Studies, Routledge (Shucksmith, M., and Brown, D., Eds.)
Hayes-Conroy, J. and Hayes-Conroy, A. 2015. “Political Ecology of the Body: A Visceral Approach,” in International Handbook of Political Ecology, Edward Elgar Publishing. (Bryant, R. Ed.)
Hayes-Conroy, J and Hayes-Conroy, A. 2013. “Feminist Nutrition: Difference, Decolonization, and Dietary Change” in Doing Nutrition Differently: Critical Perspectives on Nutrition Intervention, Ashgate Press. (Hayes-Conroy, J. and Hayes-Conroy A. Eds.)
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2006. “’Popular Education for a Free Society,’ The Institute for Social Ecology and the Promise of Dialectical Openness;” in Humanity at the Turning Point: Rethinking Nature, Culture and Freedom, University of Helsinki Press. (Servomaa, S. Ed.)
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2006. “Chickens, Eggs, and the Corn that Feeds them: Exploring the Dialectics of Native and Hybrid Ecoscapes in Mexico,” in Ecoscapes, Lexington Press. (Backhaus, G., and Murungi, J., Eds.)
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2005. "From Eggs to Ethics: An Analysis of the Role of Farm Markets within a Changing South Jersey Landscape," in South Jersey Under the Stars: Essays on Culture, Agriculture, and Place, Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 83-134. (Hayes-Conroy, A.)
Refereed Journal Articles
Blankenship, J. and Hayes-Conroy, J. 2017 “The Flâneur, The Hot-Rodder, and The Slow Food Activist: Archetypes of Capitalist Coasting,” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies.
Davis, S. and Hayes-Conroy, J. 2017. “Invisible radiation reveals who we are as people: environmental complexity, gendered risk, and biopolitics after the Fukushima nuclear disaster,” Social and Cultural Geography, Mar 15 2017
Carlsson, L., Williams, P. L., Hayes-Conroy, J. S., Lordly, D., & Callaghan, E. 2016. “School Gardens: Cultivating Food Security in Nova Scotia Public Schools?,” Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 77(3), 119-124.
Hayes-Conroy, J., Hite, A., Klein, K., Biltekoff, C., Kimura, A. 2014, “Doing Nutrition Differently,” Gastronomica, Vol 14:3, 56-66. (Special issue on Critical Nutrition: Dietary Advice and its Discontents)
Mudry, J., Hayes-Conroy, J., Chen, N., Kimura, A. 2014, “Other Ways of Knowing Food,” Gastronomica, Vol 14:3, 27-33. (Special issue on Critical Nutrition: Dietary Advice and its Discontents)
Kimura, A., Biltekoff, C., Mudry, J., Hayes-Conroy, J. 2014 “Nutrition as Project,” Gastronomica, Vol 14:3, 34-45. (Special issue on Critical Nutrition: Dietary Advice and its Discontents)
Hayes-Conroy, J and Hayes-Conroy, A. 2013, “Veggies and Visceralities: The Political Ecology of Food and Feeling,” Emotion, Space, and Society, Vol 6, 81-90 (recently noted as one of the “most cited articles” within Emotion, Space, and Society since 2012)
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2010 “School Gardens and ‘Actually Existing’ Neoliberalism,” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 33(1/2)
Hayes-Conroy, A. and Hayes-Conroy J. 2010, “Visceral Difference: Variations in Feeling (Slow) Food,” Environment and Planning A, 22, 2956-2971
Reprinted (2012) in: Taking Food Public: Redefining Foodways in a Changing World, Eds. Williams-Forson, P. and Counihan, C., Routledge
Hayes-Conroy, J. and Hayes-Conroy, A., 2010, “Visceral Geographies: Mattering, Relating, Defying Boundaries,” Geography Compass, 4/9, 1273-1283
Cook, I., et al, (incl. Hayes-Conroy, J.), 2010, “Geography of Food – Afters,” (a collaborative paper by 23 food scholars written via a blog for): Progress in Human Geography, April 29
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2009, “Get Control of Yourselves! The Body as ObamaNation,” Environment and Planning A, 41(5), 1020-1025
Hayes-Conroy, A. and Hayes-Conroy, J. 2008, “Taking Back Taste: Feminism, Food, and Visceral Politics,” Gender, Place, and Culture, 15:5, 461-473
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2008, “Hope for Community?: Anarchism, Exclusion, and the Non-Human Realm,” Political Geography, 27:1, 29-34
Davis, S., Hayes-Conroy, J. and Jones, V. M. 2007, “Military Contamination and Natural Purity: Seeing Nature and Knowing Contamination in Vieques, Puerto Rico,” Geojournal, 69:3, 165-179
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2005, “Thinking Globally, and Acting (Trans)locally at the Institute for Social Ecology; Is Place-Attachment a Necessity for Holistic Reconstructive Visioning?,” International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability, 1:4, 145-152
Hayes-Conroy, J. and Vanderbeck, R. 2005, “Ecological Identity Work in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and a Case Study,” Ethics, Place, and Environment, 8:3, 309-329
Book and Film Reviews
Hayes-Conroy, J. Forthcoming [Review of Lunch Love Community. Directed by Helen De Michiel. Berkeley, CA: Thirty Leaves Production and Citizen Film, 2015. and Feeding Frenzy: The Food Industry, Marketing & The Creation of a Health Crisis. Directed by Kate Geis. Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, 2013.] Films for the Feminist Classroom.
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2008, [Review of Place-Based Education in the Global Age: Local Diversity. by D. Gruenewald and G. Smith, Eds. New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008.] Journal of Research in Rural Education, 23(2)
White Papers
Hayes-Conroy, J. 2016. “Big Talk in the Little City: Findings and Analysis,” prepared for Tools for Social Change and the Geneva Neighborhood Resource Center.