John Krummel

John W KrummelAssociate Professor of Religious StudiesChair, Religious Studies
Joined faculty in 2008
Ph.D. in Religion, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 2008
Ph.D. in Philosophy, New School for Social Research, New York, NY, 1999
M.A. in Philosophy, New School for Social Research, New York, NY, 1994
B.A. in Philosophy, Earlham College, Richmond, IN, 1988.
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Continental philosophy
Buddhist philosophy
Kyoto school philosophy
Post-modern thought
History of philosophy
Philosophy of religion
Asian (esp. Japanese) religious/philosophical thought
Death & Dying
Critique of modernity
Teaching Experience
Continental philosophy, phenomenology, Heidegger, Kant, Buddhist philosophy, Kyoto school philosophy, Japanese philosophy, Nishida, Schürmann.
History of philosophy, German idealism, existentialism, philosophy of religion, Asian thought, Asian religions, Buddhism, comparative religion, theology and philosophy, medieval Christian and Islamic mysticism, death & dying, nihilism, Nietzsche, Mishima, Dostoevsky, Castoriadis, Nancy.
Courses Taught
Here I have the taught the following courses:
- Japanese Philosophy and Religious Thought
- Buddhism (introduction)
- Imagining American Religion (co-taught with R. Salter)
- Imagining Asian Religion/s
- Japanese Religion
- Buddhist Philosophy
- Nihilism, East and West
- Questioning Divinity, God Goddess, Gods, Absolute, Nothing
- Religion and Film
- Religion and Philosophy from a Global Perspective (formerly: Religion as a Philosophical Act)
- Suffering and Salvation (formerly: Theology of World Religions)
- In print (2024): “From Principial Theoria to Anarchic Praxis in the Radical Phenomenology of Reiner Schürmann,” Philosophy Today, summer.
- In print: “Imagination and Technology in Miki Kiyoshi: Ontological Formation of/as Being-in-the-World.” In. Stephen Lofts, Fernando Wirtz, and Norihito Nakamura. Essays on Miki Kiyoshi. Nagoya: Chisokudo.
- In print: “Fundamental Experience in Miki Kiyoshi.” In: Noe Keiichi & Lam Wing Keung (eds.). The Tetsugaku Companion to Japanese Philosophy: Miki Kiyoshi. NYC/Singapore: Springer Pub.
- In print: “Imagining and Reimagining Imagination via the Ontology of Imagination in Miki Kiyoshi,” International Journal of Social Imaginaries, vol. 2, no. 2.
- In print: “Lask, Heidegger, and Nishida: From Meaning as Object to Horizon and Place.” In: Tobias Endres, Ralf Müller, & Domenico Schneider (eds.). Kyoto in Davos: Intercultural Readings of the Cassirer-Heidegger Debate. Leiden: Brill.
- 2023: “Self-Awareness in Nishida as Auto-Realization qua Determination of the Indeterminate.” In: Saulius Geniusas (ed.). Varieties of Self-Awareness: New Perspectives from Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Comparative Philosophy. Singapore: Springer.
- 2022: “The Kyoto School’s Wartime Philosophy of a Multipolar World,” Telos 201 (Winter).
- 2022: “Ueda on Being-in-the-Twofold-World or World Amidst the Open Expanse: Reading Nishida through Heidegger and Reading Heidegger through Nishida.” In: Raquel Bouso, Adam Loughnane, Ralph Müller (eds.). Tetsugaku Companion to Ueda Shizuteru. NYC: Springer Pub.
- 2022: “Ueda Shizuteru’s Philosophy of the Twofold,” Comparative and Continental Philosophy vol. 14, nr. 2 (July).
- 2022: “The Holy in Heidegger: The Open Clearing as Excess and Abyss.” In: Richard Capobianco (ed.). Heidegger and the Holy. London: Rowman & Littlefield, International.
- 2022: “Zen and Anarchy in Reiner Schürmann: Being, Nothing, and Anontology”, Philosophy Today 66:1 (Winter).
- 2021: “The Symposium on Overcoming Modernity and Discourse in Wartime Japan,” Historical Sociology: A Journal of Historical Social Sciences, no. 2.
- 2019: “Rethinking the History of the Productive Imagination in Relation to Common Sense.” In: Suzi Adams and Jeremy Smith (eds.). Social Imaginaries: Critical Interventions. London: Rowman & Littlefield, International.
- 2019: “Comparative Philosophy in Japan: Nakamura Hajime and Izutsu Toshihiko.” In: Bret W. Davis (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy. NYC: Oxford University Press.
- 2019: “Kūkai’s Shingon: Embodiment of Emptiness.” In: Bret W. Davis (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy. NYC: Oxford University Press.
- 2019: “Place and Horizon.” In: Peter D. Hershock and Roger T. Ames (eds.). Philosophies of Place: An Intercultural Conversation. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
- 2019: “Nishitani Keiji: Nihilism, Buddhism, Anontology.” In: Gereon Kopf (ed.). The Dao Companion to Japanese Buddhist Philosophy. NYC: Springer Pub.
- 2019 (June): “Report: Tracing the Tracks of the Journal of Japanese Philosophy & the International Association for Japanese Philosophy.” Tetsugaku, vol. 3 [co-authored with Uehara Mayuko].
- 2019 (June): “Kenotic Chorology as A/theology in Nishida and Beyond,” Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions, Online (peer reviewed journal), vol. 58, issue 2, pp. 255-82.
- 2019 (Spring): “Lask, Heidegger, and Nishida: From Meaning as Object to Horizon and Place.” In: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Heidegger Circle. Nazareth College, Rochester, NY.
- 2018: “Imagination, Formation, and Place: An Ontology.” In: Hans-Georg Moeller and Andrew Whitehead (ed.). Imagination: Cross-cultural Philosophical Analyses. London: Bloomsbury Pub.
- 2018: “The Kyoto School Philosophy of Place: Nishida and Ueda.” In: Erik Champion (ed.). The Phenomenology of Real and Virtual Places. London: Routledge.
- 2018: “Chōra in Heidegger and Nishida,” Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, vol. 8
- 2018 (June): “On (the) Nothing: Heidegger and Nishida,” Continental Philosophy Review, vol. 51, no. 2. (peer reviewed journal)
- 2019: Contemporary Japanese Philosophy: A Reader. London: Rowman & Littlefield, International.
- 2015: Nishida Kitarō’s Chiasmatic Chorology: Place of Dialectic, Dialectic of Place. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
- In print (2024): Miki Kiyoshi. Logic of Imagination. London: Bloomsbury.
- Nishida Kitarō, Place and Dialectics: Two Essays by Nishida Kitaro, NYC: Oxford University Press, 2011, co-translation with S. Nagatomo.
- Yuasa Yasuo, Overcoming Modernity: Synchronicity and Image-Thinking (NYC: SUNY Press, 2008), a co-translation with S. Nagatomo.
2021: Associate Editor, International Journal of Social Imaginaries, Leiden: Brill Pub.
I am Assistant Editor of annual peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Japanese Philosophy, SUNY Press.
I am the current and first president of the International Association of Japanese Philosophy.
I also am or have been involved in a variety of other organizations:
- American Philosophical Association
- Phi Sigma Tau, the International Philosophy Honor Society
- Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
- Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy
- Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle
- Association of Chinese Philosophers in America
- The International Institute for Field-Being
- International Society for Buddhist Philosophy
- The American Academy of Religion
- Association for Asian Studies
- Heidegger Forschungsgruppe
- North American Heidegger Conference (Heidegger Circle)
- Friends of the SEP (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Society
- International Sociological Association RC16