Liliana Leopardi

Liliana LeopardiAssociate Professor of Art and ArchitectureChair, Art and Architecture
Joined faculty in 2012
2007 Ph.D. - Art History, Institute of Fine Arts – N.Y.U.
2000 M.A. – Art History - Institute of Fine Arts – N.Y.U. - New York, NY
1995 M.A. – Psychology - California Graduate Institute – Los Angeles, CA
1992 B.A. – Psychology - University of Southern California - Los Angeles
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Scholarly Interest
Teaching Experience
2012 - Current Associate Professor, Art History, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY
2007 - 12 Assistant Professor, Art History, Art Department, Chapman University, Orange, CA
2007 Assistant Professor, Cortona Summer Studies Abroad, University of Georgia Athens
Courses Taught
Fsem007: Magic and the Occult in the Renaissance
Arth102: Introduction to Western Art from Renaissance to Modern
Arth204-99-Rome: Michelangelo, Bernini and Caravaggio
Arth221: Early Renaissance Art and Architecture
Arth230: The Age of Michelangelo
Arth237: Princely Art – Renaissance Court Culture and Images
Arth248: Love and Death in Ancient Egypt
Arth254: Islamic Art at the Crossroads
Arth300-Rome: Conservation and Museological Practices
Arth305/405: Renaissance Women and Men: Constructing Gender in the Renaissance
Arth315/415: Art and the Senses: Venetian Renaissance Art
Arth450: Independent Study
Arth495: Honors in Art History
2018 “Collecting Magical Gems in The Early Modern Period: From Infancy To Adulthood” in Collecting and Collectors from Antiquity to Modernity . Eds. Alexandra Carpino, Tiziana D’Angelo, Maya Muratov and David Saunders, 113-128. Boston: Archeological Institute of America (Peer Reviewed)
2017 “Violence and Desire: Fetishist Impulses and Violence against the Female Body in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili ” in Images of Sex and Desire in Renaissance Art and Modern Historiography . Eds. Angeliki Pollali and Berthold Hubs, 149-168. New York: Routledge (Peer Reviewed)
2016 “Erotic Magic: Rings, Engraved Precious Gems and Masculine Anxiety” in Eroticism in the Middle Ages in the Renaissance: Magic, Marriage and Midwifery . Ed. Ian Frederick Moulton, 99-129. Turnhout: Brepols (Peer Reviewed)
2014 “Magic Healing and Embodied Sensory Faculties in Camillo Leonardi’s Speculum Lapidum” in Mental Health, Spirituality and Religion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age . Ed. Albrecht Classen, 480-506. Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter (Peer Reviewed)
2013 “ Giorgione ’s La Vecchia: Perceptions of Time in Renaissance Culture” in Chapman’s University Interdisciplinary Series; edited by Jeanne Gunner, 127-135. Orange, CA: Chapman University Press.
2011 ‘“Ornamentis secundum condecentiam sui status’: New Criteria for Assessing the Ornato in Crivelli’s Paintings” in Festschrift for Colin Eisler , “Essays and Studies” series, edited by Konrad Eisenbichler, 255-268. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (Peer Reviewed)
2010 “Fra Rito ed Ornamento, Crivelli come pittore ed interprete della religiosità marchigiana quattrocentesca” in Atti del Convegno: Carlo Crivelli e la Civiltà Adriatica, Ascoli Piceno and Montefiore dell’Aso .
2018 “The Color of Lapidary Magic” submitted to the Journal of the Societas Magica, Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft, for peer review.
2013 “Speculum Lapidum or the Mirror of Stones: some reflections on Sixteenth-century intaglios and astral magic.” Abraxas, Cambridge University, UK, No 1. Summer, 53-64 (Peer Reviewed)
2009 “Semiotics and Pedagogy: Teaching Visual Thinking to Studio, Graphic Design and Art History Students”, in International Journal of the Arts in Society, Vol. 4, no. 3, 209-14 (Peer Reviewed)
“Publications in Italian in Early Modern Women’s Studies, 2004-2009” in Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. IV
2003 “Carlo Crivelli e Tarsia: Un Nuovo Documento” in Arte Veneta, No.60, 195-199 (Peer Reviewed)
Exhibition Catalogues Essays – Museum Catalogues Entries
2018 “Toulouse Lautrec, Divan Japonais and Giorgio de Chirico, Ritorno d’Autunno” in Art for Art: Choices from the Collections, a Davis Gallery Catalogue. Ed. Katherine Vaughn, 34-37. Geneva: Hobart and William Smith
2010 “La Madonna della Passione”, Castelvecchio Museum Catalogue, 167-8. Verona: Museo Castelvecchio
“Immaterial” Exhibition Catalogue Essay for John Powers, Birmingham, AL
2018 “Thomas Golsenne. Carlo Crivelli et le Matérialisme Mystique Du Quattrocento. Collection Art & Société. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017” Book Review submitted to CAA.Reviews, a publication of the College Art Association
2017 “Ornament and Illusion: Carlo Criveli of Venice (Isabella Gardner Museum, 25 October 2015-25 January 2016) – Exhibition Review, Renaissance Studies, Vol. 31, No. 4, September, 644-654
Other Publications
2013 The Medici Collection of Ancient and Renaissance Cameos and Engraved Gems. Internal publication for the Bowers Museum to be used by Docents for the exhibition by the same title held in spring 2013.
2009 “The Sacred Heart”, an introduction. Essay available at http://www.sacredheartofjesusbook.com/archetypal.html
2006 “Bums, Codpieces and Uppity Women of the Renaissance” for www.ContextTravel.com
2005 “Setting the date: when did the Renaissance begin?” for www.ContextTravel.com and for Rick Steve’s Europe through the Back Door.
2004 “Symbolic Flowers” for Rick Steve’s Europe through the Back Door
2004 “Symbolic Fruit” for www.Contexflorence.com & Rick Steve’s Europe through the Back Door
College Art Association;
American Association for Italian Studies;
Renaissance Society of America; and
Societas Magica.