DeWayne Lucas

DeWayne L LucasAssociate Professor of PoliticsChair, Politics
Joined faculty in 2000
Ph.D., Political Science, Binghamton University
M.A., Political Science, Binghamton University
B.A., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Legislative Politics
- House of Representatives
- Congressional Caucuses
- Congressional Decisionmaking
- Party Polarization
Political Parties
American Political Institutions
American Political Behavior
Courses Taught
Introduction to American Politics (POL 110)
Voting and Elections (POL 221)
Political Parties in the US (POL 222)
The American Congress (POL 324)
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science (POL 361)
Seminar: Partisanship in the 21st Century
Seminar: Who Voted? Patterns and Assessments of Voting
Lucas, DeWayne L. and Iva E. Deutchman. 2010. “Electoral Challenges of Moderate Factions: Main Streeters and Blue Dogs, 1994-2008.” The Forum: Vol 8, Issue 2. Available at http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol8/iss2/art2.
Lucas, DeWayne L. and Iva E. Deutchman. 2009. “Five Factions, Two Parties: Caucus Membership in the House of Representatives, 1994-2002.” Congress & The Presidency, Spring 2009.
Lucas, DeWayne L. and Iva E. Deutchman. 2007. “The Ideology of Moderate Republicans in the House.” The Forum Vol 5, Issue 2. Availlable at http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss2/art4
Lucas, DeWayne. 2007. “Same-Sex Marriage in Election 2004.” In Craig Rimmerman and Clyde Wilcox, eds., The Politics of Same-Sex Marriages. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
Lucas, DeWayne and Michael D. McDonald. 2000. “Is It Time to Increase the Size of the House of Representatives?” American Review of Politics 21.4: 367-382.
American Political Science Association
Midwest Political Science Association
Northeastern Political Science Association
National Conference of Black Political Scientists
Program Faculty Membership and Service:
- Department of Political Science 2000-present (chair, 2011-2012)
- Africana Studies Program, 2001-present
- American Studies Program, 2001-present (chair 2010-2011, 2012-2013; Steering Committee member 2010-2013)
- Public Policy Program, 2021-present
Faculty Governance
- Senior Associate Provost, Spring 2020
- Interim Provost and Dean of Faculty, 2018-2020
- Interim Provost, 2017-2018
- Associate Dean of Faculty, 2013-2017
- Middle States Re-Accreditation Self-Study Steering Committee, 2012-2014
- Executive Committee of the Faculty, 2011-2013
- Committee on Academic Affairs, 2010-2020 (chair, 2011-2013, ex officio 2013-2020)
- Committee on Standards, 2008-2009
- Committee on the Faculty, 2003-2004
Awards and Fellowships
- Faculty Prize for Community Service, 2016
- American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship Program, 2004-2005
Campus-wide Committees and Taskforces
- Fraternity Review Board, 2016-2017
- The Strategic Diversity Plan Committee, 2015-2017
- A Culture of Respect Steering Committee, 2014-2015
- Middle States Re-Accreditation Self-Study Committee, 2012-2014
Student Activities
- Co-organizer, HWS Annual Day on the Hill program, 2007-2018
- Faculty advisor, Americans for an Informed Democracy, 2008-2009, 2010-2012