Michelle Martin-Baron

Michelle Martin-BaronAssociate Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectional Justice
Joined faculty in 2012
Ph.D. in Performance Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2011
M.A. in Performance Studies University of California, Berkeley, 2007
B.A. in Theater Arts and English, Brandeis University, 2005
Contact Information
At the intersections of women's studies, queer/LGBT studies, ethnic studies, and comparative American studies, my research interrogates the articulation of national belonging through visual cultural production and performance. One strand of my work investigates funeral and memorial practices, examining how such practices both articulate and reject community formations. I'm also interested in the performance of memory in relationship to activism.
Courses Taught
WMST 100 - Introduction to Women's Studies
WMST 150 - Chicana Feminism and Visual Culture: Borderland Arts and Social Justice
WMST 213 - Transnational Feminism and Performance
WMST 218 - Queer Representation in Theater and Film
WMST 219 - Black Feminism
WMST 308 - Chicana and Latina Art: Altars, Ofrendas and Radical Acts
WMST 401 - Senior Capstone Seminar
FSEM 193 - Ghosts and Hauntings in the Americas
Michelle R. Martin-Baron, “‘The Heartbeats of the Past with the Pulse of the Present’: Elegiac Activism and Reinterment at New York’s African Burial Ground” Callaloo. Forthcoming
Michelle R. Martin-Baron, “Art, Activism, and Immigration: Chicana Visual Artists Before and Beyond DACA” Chicana/Latina Studies 18(2) Spring 2019.
Michelle R. Martin-Baron, “Mythical Enjambment: Cherrie Moraga’s Utopic Turn” Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory. 28(3) Fall 2018. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0740770X.2018.1524618
Michelle Martin-Baron, “Reframing Marriage Equality as Death Equality” Quarterly Horse. 1(1) Fall 2016. http://www.quarterlyhorse.org/fall16/martin-baron
Michelle R. Martin-Baron, "(Hyper/in)visibility and the Military Corps(e)" Queer Necropolitics. Eds. Adi Kuntsman, Jin Haritaworn, and Sylvia Posocco. Routledge Press, 2014. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780203798300
Special Issues:
“Performance in the Feminist Classroom,” special issue of Feminist Teacher, Vol 28 (1&2) co-edited with Elizabeth Currans and Holly Masturzo, Forthcoming.
American Society for Theater Research (ASTR)
American Studies Association (ASA)
National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA)
Performance Studies international (PSi)