Kevin Mitchell

Kevin MitchellEmeritus Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science
Joined faculty in 1980
Ph.D., Brown
A.B., Bowdoin
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Hyperbolic geometry
Mathematical models in biology
An Introduction to Biostatistics, Third Edition (Waveland Press 2015) with HWS professor Tom Glover
An Introduction to Biostatistics Using R, with Thomas Glover (2015) http://waveland.com/Glover-Mitchell/r-guide.pdf.
"Quantitative Analysis by the Point-Centered Quarter Method" (2015) arXiv: 1010.3303v2
Foundations of Analysis, Second Edition (Dover 2008) with HWS professor David Belding
"Game Theory Models of Animal Behavior" (UMAP-ILAP Tools for Teaching 2003) with HWS professor Jim Ryan
“The Species-Area Relation,” with James Ryan. UMAP Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1998, 139–170. Also published as UMAP Module 768 and UMAP Modules: Tools for Teaching 1998. 23–54.
“Optimal Foraging,” with Steven Kolmes and James Ryan. UMAP Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1997, 43–86. Also published as UMAP Module 762 and UMAP Modules: Tools for Teaching 1997. 97–140.
“Modeling Stream Discharge: A Precalculus Field Exercise,” with Steven Kolmes and D. Brooks McKinney. UMAP Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1994, 137–160. Also published as UMAP Module 739 and UMAP Modules: Tools for Teaching 1995. 21–44.
“The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium,” with Steven Kolmes. UMAP Modules: Tools for Teaching 1993. 171–208. Also published as UMAP Module 738.
“Calculus in a Movie Theatre.” UMAP Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1993, 113–135. Also published as: UMAP Modules: Tools for Teaching 1993. 69–92, and as UMAP Module 729.
“Information Theory and Biological Systems.” with Steven Kolmes. UMAP Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1990, 25–62. Also published as: UMAP Modules: Tools for Teaching 1990. 43–78. UMAP Module 705.
“Time Resources in Animals,” with Steven Kolmes. UMAP Modules: Tools for Teaching 1988, 81–143. Also published as UMAP Module 688.
“Symmetries for Sums of the Legendre Symbol,” with Wells Johnson. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 69, No. 2, 1977. 117–124.
American Mathematical Association
Mathematical Society of America
Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications
Board of Directors, Geneva Concerts