Angelique Szymanek

Angelique SzymanekAssociate Professor of Art and ArchitectureChair, Critical Museum Studies
Joined faculty in 2015
PhD, SUNY Binghamton, Art History
MA, SUNY Buffalo, Art History
BA, SUNY Buffalo, Art History
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Histories of feminist activism and performance art
2019-2020 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee, Scotland
2017 National Endowment for the Humanities, NEH Summer Institute Scholar, 2017, “Diverse Philosophical Approaches to Sexual Violence”
2017 Residency, Propagate: Art Pedagogies Retreat, co-hosted by the Institute of the Arts & Sciences, UC Santa Cruz & SFMOMA
2016-2017 Fisher Center Faculty Research Fellow, The Fisher Center for the Study of Women & Men, Hobart & William Smith Colleges
2016 National Endowment for the Humanities, NEH Summer Institute Scholar, 2016, “Moral Psychology & Education: Putting the Humanities to Work”
2015 Dorothy Foehr Huck Research Travel Award, Eberly Family Special Collections, Penn State
Courses Taught
Modern Art
Black Arts in America
20thC American Art
Gender & Display
Survey of Western Art History: Renaissance to Modern
Art & Censorship
Introduction to Critical Museum Studies
Indigenous Arts of the Americas in Museums
(forthcoming) "Looking for Rape," in New Rape Studies: Humanistic Interventions. SUNY Press (2024)
“Elina Chauvet: Decolonizing Disappearance” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, vol. 4, issue 1 (January 2022): 58-74.
"Impossible to Image: Art & Sexual Violence, 1975–1979," in In and Out of View: Art and the Dynamics of Circulation, Suppression, and Censorship, eds. Catha Paquette, et al. London: Bloomsbury Press 2021, pp. 81-94.
Transnational Perspectives on Feminism and Art, 1960-1985, eds. Jen Kennedy, Trista Mallory, & Angelique Szymanek. New York and London: Routledge, 2021.
"Must We Praise Sade?," review of Alyce Mahon's The Marquis de Sade and the Avant-Garde (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2020), 5 May 2021, caareviews.org: http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/3862#.YK02iLVKiUk
"Haptic Encounters: Margarita Cabrera's Space In Between," Art Journal vol. 79, 3 (Fall 2020): 70-79.
“Performing a Public for Rape: The Collaborative Performances of Suzanne Lacy & Leslie Labowitz-Starus,” WAJ: Women’s Art Journal vol. 39, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2018): 32-42.
"A Gun For Every Girl," Special Issue of The Journal of Feminist Scholarship (co-author & co-editor)(12/13, Spring/Fall 2017).
"Bloody Pleasures: Ana Mendieta's Violent Tableaux," Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture & Society Vol 41, No. 4 (Summer 2016)
College Arts Association
The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present