Craig Talmage

Craig TalmageAssociate Professor of Management and EntrepreneurshipCo-Chair, Management and Entrepreneurship
Joined faculty in 2016
PhD Community Resources and Development from Arizona State University
MA Industrial/Organizational Development from Minnesota State University, Mankato
BS Family Studies and Human Development from The University of Arizona
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Scholarly Interest
Craig Talmage holds a PhD in Community Resources and Development from Arizona State University. He also holds an MA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and a BS in Family Studies and Human Development from The University of Arizona. Today, he teaches at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS) in Geneva as an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, a fast growing minor that started in the Spring of 2016. He teaches courses on economics principles, quantitative tools, social innovation, the history of entrepreneurship theory, and the senior capstone experience. His research focuses on community health and well-being as well as adaptations or shifts in social sectors. If you need help with human resources, community development, or market research, feel free to contact him at Talmage@hws.edu.
Teaching Experience
Entrepreneurial Studies, Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 2016 to Present
School of Community Resources and Development, Arizona State University - 2011 to 2016
Department of Psychology, Glendale Community College (Glendale, Arizona) - 2012 to 2015
Courses Taught
ENTR 120 - Economic Principles for the Entrepreneur
ENTR 201 - Quantitative Tools for the Entrepreneur
ENTR 220 - Social Innovation for the Entrepreneur
ENTR 400 - Senior Capstone for the Entrepreneur
ENTR 450 - Independent Study (for the Entrepreneur)
Peer-Reviewed Policy and Practice Publications
- Talmage, C. A., Pstross, M., and Knopf, R. (2016). Are We Using All the Tools in Our Toolkits? Considering Video Recordings for Community Development. Community Development Practice, 1(20), 5-13.B, C
- Mark, R., Talmage, C., and Knopf, R. (2018). Learning Later: responding to the evolving educational needs of older people. Pascal International Observatory(Briefing Paper 13). http://pascalobservatory.org/sites/default/files/briefing_paper_13_mark_english.pdf.B
- Yoder, G., and Talmage, C. A. (2018). Word Clouds as a Community Development Tool: Promises and Pitfalls. Community Development Practice, 1(22), 43-55.B
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
- Talmage. C. A. (2014). Development. In Michalos A. C. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 1601-1604). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.A
- Talmage, C.A. (2015). Making the Ordinary Extraordinary: A Fresh Look at Satisfaction in Communities. In F. Maggino (Ed.), A New Research Agenda for Improvements in Quality of Life,Social Indicators Research Series (pp. 61-86), 57. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.A
- Talmage, C. A., Peterson, C. B., and Knopf, R. C. (2017). Punk Rock Wisdom: An Emancipative Psychological Social Capital Approach to Community Wellbeing. In Phillips, R. and Wong, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Community Well-Being (pp. 11-38). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.B
- Talmage, C. A. and Knopf, R. (2017). Rethinking Diversity, Inclusion, and Inclusiveness: The Quest to Better Understand Indicators of Community Enrichment and Wellbeing. In Kraeger, P., Cloutier, S., and Talmage, C. A. (Eds.), New Dimensions in Community Well-Being (pp. 7-28). London and NY: Springer Publications.B, C
- Talmage, C. A., Mark, R., Slowey, M., and Knopf, R. C. (2018). Age Friendly Universities and Engagement with Older People: Moving from Principles to Practice.In Findsen, B. (Ed.), Fresh Perspectives on Later Life Learning (pp. 65-82). New York, NY: Routledge.B, D
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Talmage, C.A. (2012). Applicant Quality: Exploring the Differences between Organizational and Third Party Websites.Social Science Computer Review, 30(2), 240-247.A
- Pstross, M., Talmage, C. A., and Knopf, R. C. (2014). A Story about Storytelling: Enhancement of Community Participation through Catalytic Storytelling. Community Development, 45(5), 525-538.A
- Talmage, C. A., Pstross, M., Knopf, R. C., Lacher, R. G., and Burkhart, K. (2015). Captivating Lifelong Learners in the Third Age: Lessons Learned from a University-Based Institute. Adult Education Quarterly,65(3), 232-249.A
- Talmage, C. A., Dombrowski, R., Pstross, M., Peterson, C. B., and Knopf, R. C. (2015). Discovering Diversity Downtown: Questioning Phoenix. Metropolitan Universities Journal, 26(1), 113-146.A
- Talmage, C. A., Mark, R., Slowey, M., and Knopf, R. C. (2016). Age Friendly Universities and Engagement with Older People: Moving from Principles to Practice.International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), 537-554.B
- Pstross, M., Corrigan, T., Knopf, R. C., Sung, H., Talmage, C. A., Conroy, C., and Fowley, C., (2016). The Benefits of Intergenerational Learning in Higher Education: Lessons from the International Age Friendly University Movement. Innovative Higher Education, 42(2), 157-171.B
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters Publications (in press or in development)
- Talmage, C A., Lewis, R., and Flowers, K. (in press). Community Innovation and Small Liberal Arts Colleges: Lessons Learned from Local Partnerships and Sustainable Community Development. The Research Handbook on Community Development.
- Peterson, C. B., Talmage, C A., and Knopf, R. C. (in press). Weaving Reflection, Action, and Knowledge Creation: A Cycle of Praxis for Community Development. The Research Handbook on Community Development.
- Talmage. C. A. (submitted update for 2nd edition). Development. In Maggino, F. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (2nd edition). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
A Published while at Arizona State University
B Published while at Hobart and William Smith Colleges
C Accepted for publication prior to serving as book/journal editor and/or removed self from peer-review process
D Reprint of original peer-reviewed and published journal article in an edited volume
* Hobart and William Smith Colleges' Student
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Member, 2015-Present
Community Development Society, CDS, Member, 2012-2018
National Recreation and Parks Association, Member, 2015-2017
American Evaluation Association, Member, 2015-2017
Society for Community Research and Action, Member, 2014-2015
Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Member, 2013-2014
International Association for Community Development, Member, 2014-Present
International Society of Quality of Life Studies, ISQOLS, Member, 2012-Present
Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Member, 2013-2014
World Leisure Organization, WLO, Member, 2010-2011, 2013-2014
Society for Industrial and Organization Psychology, SIOP, Member, 2009-2010
2017-Present: Faculty Leader of Various ENTR Capstone Projects in Finger Lakes NY
2018- Present: AmeriCorps VISTA Food Systems Supervisor and Asset Based Community Development Researcher
Spring 2018: Alternative Spring Break to North Caroline Leader