16 January 2020 • Faculty An Epic Conversation on Womens Activism

In conjunction with the fourth annual Women March and coincident with the centennial year of women’s suffrage, Professor and Chair of the Women’s Studies Department and former director of the National Women’s Hall of Fame Betty Bayer will moderate a panel discussion on everyday activism every day with leading activists from across the USA. The panel will be held on Sunday, Jan. 19 as part of a weekend of programming held in Seneca Falls, N.Y., the birthplace of the Women’s Rights Movement.

The panel discussion is titled “An Epic Conversation” and will focus on steps to take everyday to make change from social justice activists from Haudenosaunee Clan Mothers to members of Generation Z.

Panelists include: Founder of Future Coalition Katie Eder, Mama Bear Clan Mother Louise Herne, Great-great granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton Coline Jenkins, New York State Assistant Commissioner of School Reform and Innovation Leslie Myers-Small, Shift7 Technology CEO and LGBTQ Activist Megan Smith, National NOW President Toni Van Pelt, Women’s Suffrage Historian Sally Roesch Wagner and CEO of Gwen, Inc. Gwen Webber-McLeod.

The panel will start at 1 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church of Seneca Falls.

Additional activities throughout the weekend will include music and art, a feminist marketplace and the fourth annual Women’s March. The weekend is organized by Women March in Seneca Falls. Visit their website for more information about weekend events.

Bayer is an expert on the intersections of women’s history, psychology, science, religion and spirituality. She has explored the abolitionist and women’s rights movements, and their common history in central New York. Recognized for her outstanding teaching, Bayer received the Colleges’ Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award in 2004 and the Community Service Award in 2009. She has served as the chair of the Women’s Studies Program since 2001 and directed the Fisher Center for the Study of Women and Men from 2002 to 2009.