HWS News
28 July 2021 • Alums Rev. Cloughen '64 Authors One Minute Stewardship
Rev. Charles Cloughen Jr. ’64 is the author of One Minute Stewardship: Creative Ways to Talk about Money in Church.
An Episcopal priest for more than 50 years and the Planned Giving Officer at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Baltimore, Maryland, the Rev. Charles Cloughen Jr. ’64 lends his insights on giving to his new book, One Minute Stewardship, Creative Ways to Talk about Money in Church.
The cover of Cloughen's book, "One Minute Stewardship: Creative Ways to Talk About Money in Church."
At the heart of the Reverend’s theology of stewardship, he says, are six key words: thank you, thank you, thank you. “It’s all about personal relationships,” Cloughen says. “Generosity and gratitude grows. People who are generous become more generous.” Inspired by the story of the widow’s mite from the Gospel of Mark, Cloughen’s theology of stewardship also includes the mantra, “No gift is too large. And all gifts are appreciated.” The New Testament parable tells the story of the “largest gift” in the Gospels, in which a widow donates everything she has, two copper coins (a penny).
Cloughen’s book was praised by a fellow Hobart graduate and the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Michael B Curry ’75, D.D. ’20. “The way of love is a way of life centered not on self alone or primarily, but on God, others and the world that belongs to God and that has been greatly placed into our care. Charles Cloughen’s new book offers some practical ways to live out that truth, with powerful and inspiring contributions from leaders throughout the Church,” Curry writes.
Additional praise of the book comes from the Anglican Theological Review. Rev. Gail Cafferata writes, “This book is a treasure-chest for congregations… when the coronavirus threatens the sustainability of many houses of worship, reading this book now can be especially helpful.” In a recent newsletter distributed by the Episcopal News Service, Cloughen’s book was listed as a resource for Episcopal congregations experimenting with alternative ways of receiving offerings and pledge payments from parishioners, due to the suspension of in-person worship services in the pandemic.
Purchase Cloughen’s book for yourself or as a gift to your faith leader from Church Publishing here, or from Amazon here.
Charles Cloughen Jr. has served in parishes in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Texas and Maryland. At the Colleges, Cloughen majored in economics. He was a member of the Hobart football team. After spending two years at the Berkley Divinity School, Cloughen entered the Peace Corps, where he served in Truk, Micronesia alongside Eric Lax ’66, L.H.D. ’93. Cloughen graduated from Berkeley in 1969.