HWS News
10 November 2023 Yoga Sun Salutations
In conjunction with the campus’ Year of the Sun celebration, Professor of Dance Donna Davenport will lead a yoga session on Nov. 27.
Sun Salutations, also called Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit, are part of an ancient yoga practice that pays respect to the Sun. The series of yoga poses done often in Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga classes are used to warm-up the whole body with breath and extended mountain pose, downward-facing dog, cobra and other fundamental yoga asanas.
In conjunction with HWS’ Year of Sun celebration, Professor of Dance Donna Davenport will lead a Sun Salutations session from noon – 1 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 27 in Winn-Seeley Gymnasium. Latecomers are welcome.
During the session, after reviewing the sequence, participants will do a few Sun Salutations to honor the Sun, the provider of energy to the Earth. The session will include easy stretching and other contemplative movements.
The entire HWS campus community is invited to attend. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and bring water. Yoga mats and blocks are available to borrow.
To celebrate the Total Solar Eclipse that will pass over Geneva, N.Y., on April 8, 2024, Hobart and William Smith Colleges is offering a series of “Year of the Sun” programs and activities throughout the 2023-24 academic year that explore the scientific, cultural and historic significance of the Sun in our lives. The series is coordinated by Associate Professor of Physics Leslie Hebb, a researcher of the fundamental properties of stars and extrasolar planets, the formation and evolution of planetary systems, and the magnetic activity on low mass stars.
In the photo above, Professor of Dance Donna Davenport leads a yoga session during Reunion 2023 in the Deming Theatre of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.