19 September 2024 Cook Parents Circle Reaches Milestone By Colin Spencer '19

Now with more than 200 members, a philanthropic group of non-alumni current and former parents continues driving lifechanging opportunities at Hobart and William Smith.

Lyn Cook P'99, P'05 and Honorary Trustee Lang Cook P’99, P’05, L.H.D. ’12.

Honorary Trustee Lang Cook P’99, P’05, L.H.D. ’12 and his wife Lyn Cook P’99, P’05 witnessed the transformative professional opportunities and personal development that a Hobart and William Smith education offered their sons Whitney Cook ’99 and Frederick Cook ’05. Thrilled with their sons’ experiences, Lang and Lyn established The Cook Parents Circle in 2012 to recognize and encourage the philanthropy of non-alumni parents and families for HWS.

This year, the exceptional philanthropy of HWS parents and families propelled The Cook Parents Circle to an important milestone as membership surpassed 200 families. 

“We are grateful that so many other families share our enthusiasm for Hobart and William Smith,” say Lang and Lyn Cook. “The education Whitney and Frederick received at HWS was outstanding. It’s heartening to see the wonderful responses other parents have had to their children’s experience on campus — and so generously recognize the value it has added to their careers and lives after graduation. We look forward to meeting and reuniting with the families at the dinner in October.” 

“Lang and Lyn Cook have created something few colleges or universities have – an engaged group of non-alumni parents committed to the institution’s success” says President Mark D. Gearan. “The Cook Parents Circle allows us to maintain relationships in meaningful ways. We will forever be grateful to the Cooks for their idea and for their sustained support of HWS.”

The Cook Parents Circle welcomed 14 new families as members this year, bringing the total membership to 209. Of those member families, seven are parents of current students and 61 are lifetime Cook Parents Circle members. 

Membership begins with lifetime giving totaling $25,000. At $100,000, secondary recognition level elevates donors to lifetime membership, which is recognized on a donor wall in Scandling Campus Center.

Every year, all members are invited to an exclusive dinner in New York City in the fall, hosted by the Cooks. 

Lang, who served on the Board of Trustees from 2002 to 2012, has been an Honorary Trustee since 2013.