This Week in Photos
This Week In Photos: Aug. 13 Aug. 19
- In the Katherine D. Elliott Studio Arts Center, Professor of Art and Architecture Ted Aub works on a model of famed local bassist Scott LaFaro, which will serve as reference for a full-scale sculpture to be cast in bronze. Geneva City Council recently named April 3 “Scott LaFaro Day.”
- Orientation Coordinators Lauren Carr ’17 and Josh Weinstein ’17 finalize the schedule for first-year Orientation, which will take place August 26-28.
- Participants in the HWS Kids College summer camp enjoy an afternoon on the Quad in front of Demarest Hall and St. John’s Chapel. Designed for students in grades 3-8, Kids College offers full weeks of academic activity and fun at HWS.
- HWS President Mark D. Gearan, Mary Herlihy Gearan and their daughters Madeleine and Kathleen gather for a photo in the President’s House. This week, President Gearan, the longest serving president in the history of Hobart and William Smith Colleges, announced he will conclude his duties as president at the end of the 2016-17 academic year.
- Orlando Rodriguez, executive chef of Veraisons Restaurant at Glenora Wine Cellars, shows HWS community members how to make salsa verde as part of the Finger Lakes Institute's Gastro Gardening event at the HWS Fribolin Farm on Monday.
- HWS Fribolin Farm intern Felicia Maybee ’17 greets Gina, a 28-year-old Morgan horse who late philanthropist Carl Fribolin L.H.D. ’14 competed with in harness racing at many high level horse shows. Gina was entrusted to the Colleges along with the donation of the property, which has been her home for more than 24 years.
- Professor of Art and Architecture Phillia Yi keeps an eye on the progress of Erin Lichter ’17 and Zachary Birnbaum ’16 as they work on their project. Yi has been an HWS professor since 1985, and specializes in printmaking.
- A rainbow crosses Seneca Lake’s northeastern shore under a passing storm in this captivating photo taken by Chief Photographer Kevin Colton on Tuesday evening.
- Vice President for Student Affairs Robb Flowers introduces education scholar Kristen Renn, keynote speaker for the HWS Student Affairs Development programming held this summer. Renn is the associate dean of Undergraduate Studies and director for Student Success Initiatives at Michigan State University.
- An expert on higher, adult and lifelong education, Kristen Renn delivers the keynote address at the HWS Student Affairs Development days. Her address was titled “The Role of Student Affairs & Development in the 21st Century Liberal Arts College.”
- HWS Chaplain Maurice Charles speaks with other members of the Student Affairs staff during an exercise in the Vandervort room.
- The campus skyline on Tuesday morning.
- New members of the Hobart and William Smith faculty gather for a group photo in front of Coxe Hall during New Faculty Orientation.
- Associate Dean of William Smith Lisa Kaenzig leads a discussion with new faculty alongside Dean of First-Year Students David Mapstone ’93 in the Maney Room of Coxe Hall.
- Assistant Professor of History Janette Gayle asks about campus culture during New Faculty Orientation. Lauren Carr ’17 and Josh Weinstein ’17, the 2016 Orientation Coordinators, were on hand to share student perspectives.
- The path between Coxe Hall and Gulick Hall on a sunny afternoon.
- Pre-Orientation Adventure Program (POAP) student guides receive first-aid and emergency training from Mike Moss. POAP offers a range of outdoor hiking and kayaking experiences to incoming first years during the week before Orientation.
- POAP guides relax around the fire at the farm of Dean of First-Year Students David Mapstone ’93, who leads the annual adventure program.
- Following a staff dinner, POAP guides and Dean of First-Year Students David Mapstone ’93 gather together for a group photo.
- Nicole Tanquary ’17 speaks with a local farmer about his table of produce at the Geneva Farmer's Market on Exchange Street. Open 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursdays, the market features a variety of fruits, vegetables, foods and other local goods for sale.
- A view of the Quad from underneath the archways of Coxe Hall.
- Colleen Moore ’16 (left) completes a fellowship with the Global Aliya Foundation in Indonesia. Moore was accompanied by Associate Professor of Religious Studies Etin Anwar (center standing), co-founder of the foundation.
- Julianne Rizzotti ’17 stops for a photo with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on the last day of her summer internship. Rizotti served as the sole intern in the office, working directly for the Chief of Staff to First Lady of New Jersey Mary Pat Christie.
- Shafi Shirzai '18 (left) poses for a photo on a bridge in Budapest, Hungary. Shirzai is studying abroad in Bremen, Germany, this summer.
- Caroline Carr '17 makes a new friend at an animal sanctuary in Townsville, Australia.
- Serving in Rwanda as Peace Corps Volunteers specializing in teaching English as a foreign language, Anna Dorman ’14 and Nicolas Walker ’13 helped facilitate a health and empowerment camp for secondary students in the Western Province.
- Hobart Football Head Coach Mike Cragg P’13 runs a drill during the team’s preseason practice on Boswell Field on Thursday.
- HWS Coordinator of Sports Medicine Nick Cooke works to keep defensive end Al Smith ’19 cool during preseason practices on Boswell Field.
- On the first day of the preseason practice for the William Smith field hockey team, Alessandra Patrizio ’17 works through a drill on McCooey Field.
- Alicia Roistacher ’17 battles for the ball during the first day of William Smith soccer’s preseason training.
- David Luna '14 participates in a flag ceremony in Washington, D.C., before leaving for Beijing, China for a consular tour and other diplomatic training. Luna is set to work at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, where he interned in 2015 as a Rangel Fellow recipient.
- HWS parents and alums take a photo during, “Hidden Ireland: The History and Culture of the West of Ireland,” led by Professor Emeritus of Economics Pat McGuire L.H.D. ’12 and his wife, Sandy. The 10-day journey focused on the exploration of history, culture, landscape and people.
- William Samayoa ’19 (bottom right), who interned with The Posse Foundation in Los Angeles this summer, gathers with leadership and staff from the organization during an event in Hollywood.
- HWS alums who work for Success Academy charter schools pose for a photo in front of the New York City skyline.
- Former roommates Scott Mason ’81, P’13, John Collier ’80, Chris Walsh '81, Chris Donahower '81, Craig Stine ’81, P’17, Pete Hess '81 and Chris Thresher '81 enjoy a summer reunion on the Jersey Shore.
- HWS Admissions staff, recent graduates and current students gather for a group photo in Rye, N.Y. The crew attended a picnic for prospective students.