President's Medal

Mark Venuti
Mark Venuti's service to Geneva and its citizens crosses all areas of civic life. Currently Geneva Town Supervisor, Venuti has fought for the preservation of the environment that is so critical to life in Geneva and the region. As an engaged and dedicated citizen, he was among the Geneva Boys & Girls Club's original founders and previously served on the organization's board. Thanks to his vision and dedication to fundraising, the Geneva Community Center, a vibrant cultural hub for the city's children and families, was completed in 2009. He is a member of the advisory council for the Community Center and has included HWS representatives on the board, inviting student, faculty and staff leaders to help sustain the center's mission. He serves as vice chair of the Seneca Watershed Inter-Municipal Alliance, working to maintain the health of Seneca Lake. A partner at the Law Office of Heaton & Venuti, he also serves on the Geneva 2020 steering committee, working with HWS and community partners to harness the resources necessary to provide a better future for Geneva's children.