
Monday, Jan. 26, 2009

Political Expert Stephen Hess, the Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Emeritus of Governance Studies, gave a lecture, titled, "President Obama: Hitting the Ground Running," which reflect his scholarly writing on politics from his work with the Brookings Institution as well as insights from his latest book, "What Do We Do Now?: A Workbook for the President-elect."

Hess has recently published on topics that Obama will face in his first 100 days, such as Middle East conflicts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the complex politics of the current U.S. economic situation, and the process of determining presidential appointments.  

In addition to his position at the Brookings Institution, Hess is a Distinguished Research Professor of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University. He is a veteran staffer of the Eisenhower and Nixon administrations and an adviser to Presidents Ford and Carter. He served as Consultant to President on Executive Office Reorganization; U.S. Representative to the U.N. General Assembly; Editor-in-Chief of "Republican Party Platform;" Chairman, White House Committee on Children and Youth; Presidential Adviser on Urban Affairs; and Presidential Speechwriter.

This information is accurate for the time period that this person(s) spoke at Hobart and William Smith.