March 7, 2022

Good morning,

We hope you enjoyed the warmer weather this weekend and that you had a chance to attend in person or virtually the Todd Feldman ’89 and Family Pitch Contest and the inaugural Finger Lakes Cup public debate. Congratulations to William Kline ’23, Brendon Bennett ’23 and Moritz Marchart ’22 who won the $10,000 Pitch grant for their biomaterials company Fibrworks, and to all the competitors who presented their ideas. Accolades are also due to Sreyan Kanungo ’23 and Sarim Karim ’22, the winners of the Finger Lakes Cup and a $1,000 prize, who defeated top debaters from Colgate, Cornell and Rochester in a Parliamentary style debate about criminal justice reform. Events like these demonstrate the innovation of our students and the commitment and dedication of the faculty, staff, parents and alums who support them. 

Daily case counts of COVID-19 are trending down since last week and many students left isolation this weekend. Similarly, Ontario County’s transmission level was reduced over the weekend from high to substantial. 

The Hubbs Health Center is seeing routine cases of flu, strep and other seasonal illnesses that are also impacting campus. Students should work with their deans for any non-COVID-19 related illness where outreach to faculty would be appropriate. 

Finally, as a point of clarification, our dashboard does include all positive tests for which the Colleges are aware—including tests taken at urgent care. Those cases are reported to us through the County and Finger Lakes Health, and we work closely with those students for their isolation needs as well.

We wish you a productive week as we approach the midterm of the semester. Please reach out if you have any questions.


Sarah Kirk
Provost and Dean of Faculty

Becca B. Barile
Vice President for Campus Life and Dean of Students