This Week in Photos
This Week In Photos: Jan 23 Jan 29
- Professor of Art and Architecture Michael Bogin P’04 works with Thomas Reny '18 during the class Color and Composition in the Katherine D. Elliott '66 Studio Arts Center.
- Haipeng Lin '18 works on seeing and creating measured color interactions during the class Color and Composition with Professor of Art and Architecture Michael Bogin P’04 in the Katherine D. Elliott '66 Studio Arts Center.
- Light snow settles on Houghton House, home to the Colleges' Art Department. Through Feb. 26, The Davis Gallery on the first floor will feature the exhibition “Chromatherapy” by Patrick Ryoichi Nagatani.
- Professor of Art and Architecture Nick Ruth explains monotype printmaking to Ema Johnson '16 during his class Intaglio Printmaking.
- Rio Schmidt '16 and Katie Kaftan '16 bevel the edges of pieces of Plexiglas before drawing on them with printmaking ink to create a unique print during Professor of Art and Architecture Nick Ruth's class Intaglio Printmaking.
- Director of Introductory Biology Laboratories Susan Flanders Cushman ’98 speaks with students during lab in Eaton Hall.
- Micaela Loconte '16 and Morgan Onorato '16 study for biology classes in Eaton Hall.
- Assistant Professor of American Studies Elizabeth Belanger leads a discussion with students in her class Art, Memory & Cultural Power of Place in Gulick Hall.
- Noted scholar, feminist and anti-racism activist Peggy McIntosh speaks with students in the class Art, Memory & Cultural Power of Place taught by Assistant Professor of American Studies Elizabeth Belanger.
- Assistant Professor of Education Khuram Hussain speaks with students about the concept of privilege.
- Feminist and anti-racism activist Peggy McIntosh discusses the campus climate with students in the Office of Intercultural Affairs on Tuesday.
- Joy Gitter '16 introduces noted scholar, feminist and anti-racism activist Peggy McIntosh prior to McIntosh's talk, Understanding Privilege Systems: The Surprising Journey.
- Before a standing-room only crowd, noted scholar Peggy McIntosh explains the development of her best known article, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.
- Known for her scholarly work on male and white privilege, Peggy McIntosh answers questions from students who filled the Vandervort Room on Wednesday.
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Tarah Rowse and Town of Geneva representative Joe Bracko give a tour of the municipal solid waste transfer station for the Town of Geneva to students in the class Sustainable Community Development Methods and Tools taught by Rowse and Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Robin Lewis.
- On Thursday afternoon, Merritt Hall is surrounded by snow.
- The Bartlett Theatre is transformed for the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts opening weekend celebration dinner on Friday.
- Assistant Professor of Music Mark Olivieri plays the grand piano in Bartlett Theatre during the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts celebration dinner on Friday.
- Trustee Cynthia Gelsthorpe Fish '82 toasts Chair Emeritus of the Board of Trustees L. Thomas Melly '52, L.H.D. '02 during the celebration dinner.
- Chair of the Board of Trustees Maureen Collins Zupan ’72, P’09 welcomes members of the HWS community to the ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house at the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday afternoon.
- Members of the platform party celebrate as they cut the ribbon, officially opening the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday afternoon.
- Members of the HWS community take part in a movement workshop in the Dance Studio, a gift of Rita Goldstein Ashton P'04, P'07. The exercise was led by Professor of Dance Cynthia Williams as part of the opening celebrations on Saturday.
- Assistant Professor of Music Mark Olivieri directs the jazz ensemble during an open rehearsal in the Hilayama-Williams Family Ensemble Hall of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts. The Hall is named in honor of Nozomi Williams L.H.D. ’14.
- Students perform an African dance piece in Deming Theatre during the opening celebrations of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.
- The Colleges Choral directed by Professor of Music Bob Cowles performs in Froelich Hall on Saturday evening.
- Members of Mosaic NY perform in McDonald Theatre during Saturday evening’s celebration in the Gearan Center for Performing Arts.
- Professor of Media and Society Lester Friedman introduces student-created works in the Fish Screening Room, a venue equipped with a theatre-quality projection, sound and screen system. In the front row are Theresa Amott L.H.D. ’11, former Provost and Dean of Faculty and current President of Knox College, and Ray Miller.
- Students walk to and from classes on Wednesday afternoon.
- Celebrated Playwright and Performer Johnny Drago presents a play-writing workshop to students and faculty on Monday in Coxe Hall.
- As part of the Professional in Residence Series, Omar Eaton-Martinez, a representative from the internship program at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History offers a Skype presentation from Washington, D.C. in the Geneva Room.
- The Bozzuto Boathouse on Tuesday morning.
- Dairy Specialist Libby Eihozler from Cornell Cooperative Extension presents a talk titled The Modern Dairy Farmer: Perspectives from a Millennial in the Finger Lakes Institute classroom on Wednesday.
- Associate Professor of Art and Architecture Christine Chin speaks at the opening of the Patrick Ryoichi Nagatani exhibit at The Davis Gallery at Houghton House.
- Artist Patrick Ryoichi Nagatani speaks via Skype about his work during the opening reception of his exhibit in The Davis Gallery at Houghton House.
- Program Coordinator for the Salisbury Center for Career, Professional and Experiential Education Emily Rogowski '12 hosts a workshop on internship and job opportunities in Stern Hall.
- Students gather for a photo with Trustee Thomas B. Poole '61, P'91, L.H.D. '06 during the Statesmen hockey game on Friday night.
- Grammy award-winning recording artist T-Pain kicks off the spring semester at Hobart and William Smith with a performance at Bristol Field House.
- Recording artist T-Pain gets the crowd pumping during the Spring Concert sponsored by the Concert Advisory Committee, HWS Electronic Dance Music Collective and the Campus Activities Board.
- Jedidiah Collins '18 perfects his Italian cooking techniques at the Gustolab Institute. Collins is participating in the Rome study abroad program led by Professor of Art and Architecture A.E. Ted Aub and Assistant Professor of Art and Architecture Gabriella D'Angelo.
- Zoe Bradley '16 learns how to make fresh pasta while participating in a cooking class at the Gustolab Institute as part of the Rome study abroad program.
- Victoria Martin '17, Claire Miney '17, Biz Chirco '17 and Julia Wasserman '17 pose for a photo while studying abroad in the Galway, Ireland.
- Andrew Upton '12 poses for a photo with Keishi Otomo, director of the live action version of Ruroni Kenshin and Takumi Ishikawa, former president of Mitacam at Keio University. Upton was recently hired as a production assistant at MAPPA, a Japanese animation studio in Tokyo.