This Week in Photos
This Week In Photos: Sept. 24 Sept. 30
- An aerial view of the Hobart and William Smith campus and the City of Geneva on a beautiful Fall day.
- President Mark D. Gearan reflects on the first presidential debate as a guest in Professor of Political Science Iva Deutchman’s “Campaigns and Elections” class in Stern Hall.
- Special guest Dr. N. Lynn Eckhert P’99, professor of family medicine at the University of Massachusetts, joined Professor of Women’s Studies Betty Bayer’s class to discuss Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell. The first woman to receive her degree as a Doctor of Medicine, Blackwell graduated from Hobart’s precursor Geneva Medical College in 1849. Eckhert wrote a one woman play about Blackwell titled “A Lady Alone.” The class took place, appropriately, in the Blackwell Room.
- Davente Gilreath, of Garth Fagan Dance, leads a master lesson for students in Assistant Professor of Dance Kelly Johnson’s class in the Deming Theatre of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.
- Students and faculty members join Garth Fagan (back row, third from right) and members of the Garth Fagan Dance Company pose for a group photo following a master class in Deming Theatre.
- Sarah Walters '19, Ryan Montbleau '19, Elleanor Smith '18 and Professor of Religious Studies Michael Dobkowski pose for a photo outside of Demarest Hall. Along with Soren Anders-Macleod '18 and Associate Professor of Religious Studies Richard Salter '86, P'15, the students and Dobkowski will travel to Nuremberg to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the international war crimes trial proceedings
- On the steps of Coxe Hall, Morgan Gaudet ’18 studies for her Darwinian Revolution class with Professor of History Derek Linton.
- Christian Thiim '17 and Sam van Etten ’17 complete an assignment on the various meanings of community as part of ENV210: Qualitative Methods and the Community, a class taught by Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Robin Lewis.
- Students in “Invasion Ecology” traverse a field at Ganondagan State Historic Site where they observe the restoration effort to remove invasive Pale Swallow Wort and return the native grasslands for bird habitat. The class is taught by Associate Professor of Biology Meghan Brown.
- Students stand among the Golden Rod during a lab for Invasion Ecology with Associate Professor of Biology Meghan Brown.
- Amelia Zhao '17 works under the direction of Kerik Cox, associate professor of plant pathology at Cornell University’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, to investigate bacteria (Erwinia amylovora) that is responsible for the disease known as Fire Blight.
- Amelia Zhao '17 and Mei-wah Choi '16 analyze leaves from an apple tree while researching Fire Blight at Cornell University’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, N.Y.
- Led by Associate Professor of Geoscience Nan Arens, Mikhail Fischer '17 and Caroline Carr '17 present their research on fossil leaf floras during the 2016 Geological Society of America conference in Denver, Colo.
- Students walk into the Warren Hunting Smith Library on a sunny Wednesday afternoon.
- Eduardo Peñalver, the Allan R. Tessler Dean and Professor of Law at Cornell University, delivers a talk titled Varieties of Diversity in Constitutional Lawmaking in the Sanford Room of Melly Academic Center. The talk was part of the Colleges’ observance of Constitution Day.
- Eduardo Peñalver, the Allan R. Tessler Dean and Professor of Law at Cornell University, talks with Professors of Philosophy Steven Lee and Scott Brophy’78, P’12 during a reception in the Common Room in Scandling Campus Center. Peñalver visited campus as part of the Colleges’ observance of Constitution Day.
- Dusk falls over the Scandling Campus Center.
- Eban Goodstein, director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, discusses How to Get a Job Saving the Planet: Sustainability Leadership Careers in NGO’s, Business and Policy” in the Geneva Room.
- Assistant Professor of History Janette Gayle speaks during the Perspectives on Police Violence panel discussion with Associate Professor of Political Science Paul Passavant (left), Advocacy Program Manager at the Center for Constitutional Rights Nahal Zamani (right center) and Founder of Law Enforcement Psychological Associates Dr. Jay Supnick (right) in the Geneva Room.
- Danzlear Johnson '19 poses a question during the event Perspectives on Police Violence sponsored by the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, Africana Studies, Anthropology and Sociology, Political Science, American Studies and the Office of Campus Safety.
- Writing and Teaching/Learning Specialist Susan Hess discusses best practices for writing essays for graduate school, study abroad and internships during Career Chat in the Office of Intercultural Affairs.
- Taylor Levin '17 speaks about her internship with New York City fashion designer Adam Lippes during a Career in Fashion information session hosted by the Office of Career Services. The session featured a series of students with previous internships or experience in the fashion industry.
- Eros Cabrera '19 sings karaoke during the After Dark Series event in the Cellar Pub.
- Katherine Burns '18, Ashley Testa '19, Jerlin Garo '17, Emily Spraggs '17, Madeline Boles '17 and Emma Herbst '18 pose for a photo during the the After Dark Series event in the Cellar Pub.
- Hamdan Ahmed '20, Tori Swanson '20, Carly Kelly '20 and Zohaib Ahmad '20 enjoy the After Dark Series event on Friday.
- The illuminated Welles Tower of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.
- Carlos Alzugaray Treto, former ambassador of Cuba to the European Union, discusses the recently reestablished diplomatic relationship between the U.S. and Cuba with members of the HWS community on Wednesday in the Vandervort Room.
- Former Cuban Ambassador to the European Union Carlos Alzugaray Treto and Associate Professor of Spanish and Hispanic Studies Juan Liebana pose for a photo following Treto's lecture. Liebana will lead a new, HWS short-term abroad program in Cuba in May.
- Students gather in the Sanford Room for a screening of this year's first presidential debate.
- Area Coordinator for Jackson, Potter and Rees Halls Noah Lucas’13 (right) and Sustainable Living and Learning Community (SLLC) teaching assistant Alyssa Kelly’19 help students make homemade granola bars. The event was organized and led by SLLC Resident Assistant Alexandra Cirra '17.
- The Spanish Conversation Table holds its weekly meeting from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Wednesday in the Cellar Pub. Consisting of students, Spanish teaching fellows and faculty members, the group discusses a variety of topics allowing participants to practice their Spanish language skills.
- Students hit the court on Saturday for Kappa Alpha's Halfway to March Madness Charity Basketball Tournament. The proceeds benefitted the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
- Rebecca Czajkowski '18, Stephanie Kenific '17 and Ollie paws for a photo outside Scandling Campus Center on Wednesday.
- Recruiter Ann Tatarsky speaks with students about opportunities with the Peace Corps during the Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning's Pizza with Peace Corps event.
- The HWS sailing team practices on Seneca Lake.
- Gabrielle Grimmett '17 poses for a photo in front of the Nanjing skyline. Grimmett is studying abroad in China this semester.
- A group of HWS students who are studying abroad in Rome for the Fall 2016 semester gather for a photo.
- Michaelann Denton '18 rips a two-handed backhand during the 2016 ITA Northeast Regional Championships.
- Hannah Moore '17 lines up a forehand during the 2016 ITA Northeast Regional Championships. Moore led the way for the William Smith tennis team, reaching the third round of the tournament.
- Brianna Ruane '17 fires a shot on goal during William Smith's 2-0 victory over St. Lawrence University. The Herons are ranked No. 1 in the nation in the NSCAA poll.
- Evie Manning '18 heads the ball at midfield during William Smith's 2-0 victory over St. Lawrence University.
- Nicolas Suriel ' 19 cruises to the finish line at the Harry F. Anderson Invitational hosted by the Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks.
- Brandon Shed '18 attempts to shake a Union College defender during Hobart's 27-23 victory on Saturday.
- Coron Broomfield '20 jukes through the Union College defense during Hobart's 27-23 victory at home on Saturday.
- Joined by a fellow hiker, Emma Berntheizel '15 (right) celebrates her completion of the Appalachian Trail at the summit of Mount Katahdin in Maine.
- Three William Smith alums from Buffalo, N.Y., gather for a photo after participating in a fundraiser for the Matt Urban Hope Center. Pictured are: Rachel Johnson '15, manager of Half & Half Boutique; Stephanie Mejia '14, a case manager at Matt Urban Human Services Center; and Kilby Bronstein '14, co-owner of Half & Half Boutique.
- Thomas Connor '81 and his family gather for a photo while visiting the ruins at Machu Picchu in Peru. Connor’s wife Kathleen is the great-granddaughter of Hiram Bingham who, with the guidance of indigenous farmers, made public the existence of Machu Picchu.
- HWS alums and colleagues at SevenStep RPO, a recruitment outsourcing company based in Boston, Mass., gather for a photo while celebrating the company’s ninth birthday. Brad Tramontozzi '11, Andrew Kane’16, Brendan Casey '16, Alex Oliveira '16, Shelby Chase '16, Erin Casey '16, Katherine Theriault ’16 and Rosalind Gray-Bauer ’16 work for the international company.