Community Resources
Hobart and William Smith has a number of resources available to our community. They include:
- Counselors from the Counseling Center, located at 91 St. Clair St., are available for appointments by calling 315-781-3388 or via email at counselingcenter@hws.edu.
- Crisis Counselors are available 24 hours a day by calling 315-781-3388 and choosing option 1.
- The Dean of Spiritual Engagement the Rev. Nita Byrd, Muslim Life Adviser Imam Shaheed Ali, and the Director of the Abbe Center for Jewish Life Rabbi Dr. Ann Landowne are available for support. Please contact their office at 315-781-4637 or via email at byrd@hws.edu, alis@hws.edu, or landowne@hws.edu.
- The Hobart Deans, the William Smith Deans and the Office of Campus Life, located in Smith Hall, are available for students who want to talk.
- The Employee Assistance Program provides faculty and staff with immediate and free access to mental health professionals by calling (800) 327-2255.