The Dance Studio is a 2,400-square-foot sprung wood floor dance classroom complete with barres and mirrors. The room functions as a dance rehearsal space as well as a smart classroom and support space for dance performances.
deming theatre
Deming Theatre is a 5,000-square-foot sprung dance floor classroom that transforms into a 250-seat performance venue. The room features four catwalks, curtains, a sound and light booth, and a crossover.
(see Rep Plot and Magic Sheet for most current info) 115 ETC Source 4 LED V2 Lustr 16 ETC Color Source LED 12 Chroma Q One 100 (LED) 12 Chroma Q Color Force 72 (LED) 4 Elation Satura Spot LED Pro All instruments are PowerCon connector, DMX, with C-clamp and safety. Power connects to a Sureline Buss system vis 2 pin and ground stage plugs.
Lighting Control
ETC Ion with one fader wing and two Planer touch screen color monitors.
Clear Com base station with monitors to backstage. 4 booth belt pack and single muff headsets. Two Eartec wireless headsets.
Playback is available via Q-Lab, SFX, CD or direct finger drive, iPod interfaces.
Preferred file formats for Q-Lab (MAC) playback are WAV files. We can play MP3s, but Q Lab sometimes has issues with these files.
Preferred file formats for SFX (PC) playback are :WAV, or MP3.
Basically WAV files are very large, but sound great. You may not be able to send them via email but large file transfer software like Dropbox work just fine. MP3 files are quite small but may be unacceptable in sound quality. Having a WAV file with an MP3 backup would be safe.
Midas M32. 32 channels of mic inputs/mixing. 4 channels of amplified audio output
FOH Full range active PA EAW with 15" woofers
Monitors Full range active PA EAW with 15" woofers
EAW Subwoofer
2 additional EAW 10" floor wedges
4 Shure sm57
4 Shure sm 58
2 Shure ksm 137
2 QSC PLD 4.5 (1150w/Channel)
2 QSC PLD 4.3 (625w/Channel)
The entire space is wall-to-wall black Harlequin dance floor over a Harlequin sprung floor.
Projection is available. It will fill the cyclorama. The projector is 5000 Lumens.
Soft Goods
The space is set up with sets of black legs to give 4 entrances per side. The space between the wings is approximately 7'-0 wide. The Cyclorama is dead hung. The black scrim, and full black are on travelers just DS of the CYC.
General Information
The danceable area is 35'-0" wide by 32'-0" deep. The teasers hang to 16'-0" high and the catwalks are at 21'-0" The telescopic seating accommodates up to 266 people. The front row is about 4'-0" from the proscenium.
The performance space is separated from the public space by a soft proscenium arch created by a black leg/teaser combination that stretches from one wall to its opposite along the longitudinal median of the space. The proscenium opening is 35' wide by 16' high.
Upstage of the proscenium, the danceable area is approximately 35' wide by 32' deep, backed by a black traveler, a black scrim and a cyclorama.
There are 4 wings on either side, approximately 7'-0" wide each. There is also a crossover at the rear of the theatre via the crossover corridor.
The 3 onstage catwalks are trimmed at approximately 21'-0" above the deck to their bottom.
For additional technical information about performance spaces, please contact Mark Wenderlich, Lighting Designer and Technical Director, at or (315) 521-1876.