NEPARS Research

REU students will gain an appreciation for the process of conducting scientific research. We emphasize close student-mentor collaboration in all aspects of each project that ranges from project and hypothesis development to presenting research results at conferences and publishing in scientific journals.
Our REU mentors have been successful in implementing this framework with undergraduate students that have conducted research during past summers. Students from colleges and universities around the United States have participated in past summer research experiences with our mentors. The outcomes of these student research experiences have led to numerous conference presentations and scientific journal articles. Nearly all summer research students have presented their studies at regional or national scientific conferences. As examples, these conference presentations have occurred at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Student Conference, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, the Northeast Storm Conference, and the Northeast Geological Society of America (GSA).

Below is a listing of journal articles that have resulted from past summer research conducted through collaborative efforts of undergraduate students and our research mentors. There is a range of research topic giving REU applicants some ideas of the kind of research studies that can be expected in upcoming summers. REU research investigations may explore mesoscale and synoptic weather, microclimates, biometeorology, mountain meteorology, modern climate, and paleoclimate.