For more details on joint degree programs in engineering, please consult Professor of Physics Donald Spector at or (315) 781-3594.

Our curriculum introduces students to the principal subfields of physics – electromagnetism, mechanics, thermal physics, optics and quantum mechanics – and provides extensive training in mathematical and analytical methods. This is the foundation upon which all other sciences and engineering are based and majoring in physics here provides the best preparation for further work in most engineering fields.

A joint-degree in engineering program is offered with the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University and The Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College.

In general, students in the Columbia program spend three years at Hobart and William Smith and then two years at Columbia. At the end of five years, the student receives a B.A. or B.S. from HWS and a B.S. in engineering from Columbia. 

In the Dartmouth program, a student usually spends the first two years at Hobart and William Smith, the third year at Dartmouth, the senior year at HWS, and a fifth and final year at Dartmouth. Upon completion, the student receives two degrees, one from Hobart and William Smith and one from Dartmouth.