Academic Opportunity Programs
Academic Opportunity Programs Office Renée Grant, M Ed, Director
288 Pulteney Street
Geneva, NY 14456
Phone: (315) 781-3319
Fax: (315) 781-3888
Edith Wormley, BSW, Associate Director
The Hobart and William Smith Colleges Academic Opportunity Programs, comprised of the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program and HWS AOP, are designed to support students who present an alternate academic profile and who demonstrate high potential to compete successfully in an academically competitive environment.
The Academic Opportunity Programs staff provides academic counseling, academic and personal support to more than 75 Hobart and William Smith program students each year.
All candidates that want to be considered for the HEOP/Scholar program must go through the general admission process.
Academic Opportunity Programs, which includes HEOP and the HWS AOP program, is an access and academic support program that by nature is fluid in its operation by creating a web of support for first generation and traditionally underrepresented populations in higher education. The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) is funded by the New York State Department of Education and Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
HEOP is regarded as one of the most successful academic access and support programs of its type in the nation based upon student achievement and graduation rates according to the Teagel Foundation.
Academic, personal, financial and career counseling: The Academic Opportunity Program staff can assist its students by providing essential counseling and advising support in the areas of academic, financial aid and social support. The staff also works closely with students to help them take advantage of many other campus resources available such as Career Services, the Counseling Center, faculty advisers, and the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Tutorials: Tutoring and academic support is provided by both Academic Opportunity Program staff and through the Colleges’ Center for Teaching and Learning.
Full-need financial aid package: Financial aid is provided through a combination of grants, loans and work. First-year students also receive assistance in purchasing their books and supplies.
HEOP applicants must be a resident of New York State for one year prior to the first term of enrollment.
Must have acquired a high school diploma or the equivalent, be non-admissible by the College’s regular admissions standards and demonstrate the motivation and potential to succeed academically despite one’s academic background.
The applicant or his/her family must also meet one or more of the following economic requirements:
- Earn a yearly income not in excess of New York State economic guidelines for HEOP as shown on the program guidelines chart.
- Receive, or be a dependent of an individual receiving, either Aid to Dependent Children, Home Relief or Family Day Care payments through a New York State or county Department of Social Services.
- Live with foster parents who do not provide economic support for college.
- Be a “ward” of the court.
2025-26 Opportunity Program Guidelines

- Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops in Study Skills, Test taking Strategies, Effective Note Taking
- Dr. Alger L. Adams ’32 Academic Excellence Award Dinner
- Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
- Afro-Latino Alumni/ae Association’s (ALAA) Spring Weekend
- International Women’s Day Reception
- New Faculty Reception
- Multicultural Reception
- Career Services: PATHWAYS link when attending the Summer Institute
- Annual Graduation Barbeque
- Many co-sponsored events with the Office of Intercultural Affairs