Pulteney Street SurveyFall 2019
100 Things to Explore

72. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), Divan Japonais, 1893, Lithograph, 81 x 60 cm., Gift of Theodore C. Max '50.

73. Arthur Dove (1880-1946), Happy Clamshell,"1938, Watercolor and ink on paper, 13 x 18 cm., Gift of Richard A. Scudamore '55.

74. Alison Saar (b.1956), Inheritance, 2003, Woodblock, 81 x 59 cm. Gift of the George D. and Frieda B. Abraham Foundation.

75. James Rosenquist (1933-), Fast Feast, 1977, Mixed media print, 188 x 92 cm., Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Welsh Jr. P'84.

76. Mary Cassatt (1845-1927), Antoine Holding Child, 1905, Drypoint, 23 x 17 cm., Gift of Robert North in memory of Marion de Mauriac North '32.

77. DeWitt Parshall (1864-1956), China Cove, Carmel, n.d., Oil on masonite, 102 x 127 cm., Gift of Richard A. Scudamore '55.

78. Frank Romero (b.1941, U.S.) Arrest of the Paleteros, 2010. 32 color lithograph, 77 x 117 cm. Art Intern Purchase, Friends of Houghton-Paula Kalenik '71.