The Pulteney StreetSurvey

A human pyramid on the Quad, ca. 1968–69. At more than 20,000 and growing, today’s community of alums has seen the Colleges into maturity, each class in its own style, each leaving a foundation on which the next classes build.

Members of the Class of 2019 are welcomed into the Alumni Association at the Hobart Launch. Like the William Smith Toast and the Matriculation ceremony, the Launch is one of many traditions past and present that bind alums, both to one another and to the Colleges. Such bonds reflect what Honorary Trustee Herbert J. Stern ’58, P’03, LL.D. ’74 once called “a spirit that can be felt even though it cannot be touched, a spirit that transcends generations and will abide with us as long as we are faithful to it.”

With a nod to the Colleges’ marketing materials of the era, the 1973 yearbook emphasizes that individuality “is the essence of Hobart and William Smith thinking. The Colleges think of you not as a member of a class or group; they think of you as an individual with unique talents and creeds. Hobart and William Smith will demand much of you, for they uphold the highest standards of teaching and learning. They encourage the development and expression of strong personal convictions. These are the attitudes you may expect to find in Hobart and William Smith” — then, now and forever.