salty jokes, faculty mentorship and academic excellence across the generations

Pre-med, Statesmen soccer captain
Druid, Orange Key and Chimera member
Academic All-American
American Chemical Society’s International Research Experiences for Students program
Major: Biochemistry and Education
Hometown: Brookline, Mass.

President and CEO, TransDigm Group Inc., aerospace manufacturer
Phi Beta Kappa inductee
Ph.D. from Stanford University
Major: Chemistry
Hometown: Chagrin Falls, Ohio
What’s the best part about summer research?
CW: I’ve worked alongside Professor Elana Stennett on water filtration research since my sophomore year. Seeing this project progress from a simple experiment design, into data, and then a published paper has been extremely valuable.
KS: The close interaction with your adviser. Professor Romana Lashewycz Rubycz was such an influential mentor in my career. I wish she was still with us so I could thank her properly.
Toughest class?
CW: Organic Chemistry with Professor Erin Pelkey.
KS: Physical Chemistry with Professor Carl Aten.
Favorite element in the periodic table?
CW: Potassium is essential, and the most prevalent, in neuronal circuits. Thank you, potassium. I also love sodium, for the jokes. (Do you want to hear a chemistry joke? Na…)
KS: C is the basis of life; Au is what we all seek I suppose — but how about Na? People often call me a little salty so makes sense!
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life…
CW: Salads.
KS: Neapolitan pizza.
What piece of culture — book, film, etc. — could you not do without?
CW: Kei Miller’s poetry.
KS: Music, especially live music.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
CW: Doctor.
KS: Paleontologist
What brought you to HWS?
CW: The research opportunities and multicultural community — not to mention, I was recruited by the soccer program.
KS: The size of the classes. HWS gave me the space to discover my personal and academic strengths.
What’s your proudest moment to date?
CW: Finishing my summer internship at the New York Blood Center.
KS: Successfully defending my Ph.D. thesis.
Biggest scientific challenge facing the world today?
CW: The potential end of antibiotics.
KS: Misinformation about science.
Where do you hope to be in five years?
CW: In my third year of medical school!
KS: Giving back to my family, my friends and my community.