Catalogue PDF Version

Catalogue - PDF Version

General Description

Explore, Collaborate, Act is the animating principle that unifies the HWS curriculum. Academic work at HWS is integrated in all that we do, including our remarkable Global Education program, our rich integration of service learning into and beyond our academic offerings, our longstanding focus on thinking and working across traditional disciplines, and the close work of research and creativity that connects faculty and students. Moreover, this principle also defines the distinctive role of the Colleges in the 21st century, expressing what we aspire our students to embody, an ethos that focuses student progress through college and beyond. In the broadest sense, "Explore, Collaborate, Act" articulates what we – students and faculty alike – do at the Colleges, highlighting our vibrant interconnections and interdisciplinarity.

The curriculum of the Colleges emphasizes the breadth of critical thinking and communication found across disciplines, as well as specific modes of analytical reasoning, communicating, and critical thinking within disciplines. Over the course of their studies at the Colleges, students develop the ability to examine and evaluate facts and phenomena, discern patterns and arguments, and understand and form connections among ideas, issues, and values. The ability to share one's discoveries, interpretations, or analyses is essential to becoming a creative and critical thinker and communicator. Our curriculum embodies the fundamental mission of a liberal arts education to develop, in all its elements, each student's capacity for analytical, expressive, empathetic, critical, and effective reasoning and communication, which can be carried forward into life, work, and the world.

HWS's instructional program is presented in two semesters, and students typically take four courses each semester. All programs of study for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science are designed to be completed in four years. Most students graduate in the traditional four-year period, although individual programs allow for five years. The first year, either the second or third year, and the senior year must be spent in residence.

Degree Requirements

The faculty of Hobart and William Smith Colleges have established the following requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science beginning with the Classes of 2000. To qualify for the degree, a candidate must have:

  • Passed 32 academic courses or their equivalent with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 (C). At least 28 of these courses must be passed with a letter grade of C- or higher. At least 30 of these courses must be full-credit courses (i.e., only four 1⁄2 credit courses can be counted toward graduation).
  • Spent three years in residence: the first year, the second or third year, and the senior year. Normally, the senior year is defined as one complete academic year taken in sequence (fall and spring semesters).
  • Passed a First-Year Seminar with a grade of C- or higher.
  • Completed the requirements for an academic major, including a capstone course or experience, and an academic minor (or second major). Students cannot major and minor in the same subject.
  • Completed any faculty-mandated writing requirement(s).
  • Completed a course of study, designed in consultation with a faculty advisor, which addresses each of the following skills, areas of knowledge, and qualities of mind and character. These are referred to as the eight educational goals of our general curriculum; two of the goals are integrated across the four-year curriculum, and six are aspirational goals satisfied through the completion of specific coursework that addresses each goal. The courses that satisfy these six aspirational goals can be found on the website

The Integrated Goals of Critical Thinking and Communication

Critical thinking and communication comprise the foundation of any liberal arts education. The ability to articulate a question, identify and gain access to appropriate information, organize and present evidence, and construct complex, elegant, and persuasive arguments in written and oral forms are integral to the Colleges' vision to "Explore, Collaborate, and Act."

Critical and creative thinking, and their expression through the media of writing and speaking, are understood to develop over the course of a student's learning experience:

  • The First-Year Experience (FYE) introduces students to critical thinking and communication skills through introductory courses in disciplines across the curriculum. At the center of the FYE is the writing-intensive First-Year Seminar, which introduces students to the intellectual community of the Colleges and provides academic mentorship. The First-Year Seminar introduces and integrates many of the Colleges' academic resources.
  • The senior capstone experience is both a continuation and culmination of the student's development in critical thinking and communication. Specific to each major, the capstone experience demands substantial understanding of the field's central questions and literacy in its modes of reasoning and communication.

Aspirational Goals of the Curriculum

Along with our integrated goals of critical thinking and communication, the aspirational goals of the curriculum expose students to modes of critical, analytic, and creative thinking and communications found across fields of study; these goals thus underscore the imperative of a liberal arts education to provide a breadth of knowledge and the means to express that knowledge effectively. The courses that satisfy each of these six aspirational goals can be found here:

The ability to reason quantitatively
The ability to reason quantitatively is necessary for using and interpreting quantitative data or mathematical arguments in decision making. Quantitative reasoning fosters numerical literacy and is best developed by working with numerical evidence to evaluate trends, patterns, and claims, or by using mathematical concepts to create or assess complex arguments.

An experiential understanding of scientific inquiry
An experiential understanding of scientific inquiry provides the intellectual foundation for evaluating scientific claims about the natural world. Scientific inquiry involves posing and answering questions by testing hypotheses through observational studies, experimental testing, or modeling. Understanding the processes by which knowledge is gained in the natural sciences is best developed through the direct experience of the investigative inquiry that characterizes scientific practice, grounded in laboratory, field, or classroom experiences.

A critical and experiential understanding of artistic process
A critical and experiential understanding of artistic process emerges from engagements with art that are both expressive and reflective. The understanding of artistic expression may be cultivated through studies that are entirely performance-centered, studio-based, or workshop-based, as well as through studies that integrate performance or creative activity with topics related to the art form.

A critical understanding of social inequalities
A critical understanding of social inequalities will draw on evidence to analyze how wealth, power, and privilege are distributed unequally in human societies based on factors including, though not limited to gender, race, class, religion, sexuality, age, disability, indigeneity, nationality, ethnicity, or language. This understanding can be fostered by examining the historical background, social conditions, and intersections of different forms of inequality; by acquiring a deeper understanding of the lives of individuals and groups who experience inequality; by scrutinizing ideologies and social constructions for justifying inequality; or by critically assessing past and present collective strategies for reducing social inequality.

A critical understanding of cultural difference
A critical understanding of cultural difference is necessary for thoughtful, cooperative, and productive communication in a global community. Global citizenship requires the ability to understand how and why human thought, expression, and action are constituted by differences of historical background, social context, cultural heritage, and linguistic tradition. This understanding can be cultivated through the critical study of a cultural heritage that is substantively different from one's own, or through the study of cross-cultural interaction and cultural change.

An intellectual foundation for ethical judgment as a basis for socially responsible action
An intellectual foundation for ethical judgment as a basis for socially responsible action requires the ability to think and argue rigorously about questions of how things should be. This foundation ideally incorporates a historically informed examination of one's values and an understanding of the role of particular circumstances in the context of ethical judgment and action. These skills can be developed by studying professional ethics, public service, social justice, human rights, environmental responsibility, and/or other topics that raise questions of how to engage in responsible action.

Addressing the Six Aspirational Goals

Students must work with a faculty advisor to design a program of study that both meets their interests and addresses the six aspirational goals and objectives – this is a graduation requirement. The six aspirational goals are addressed only through formal course work. Courses that address goals are categorized as either partially or substantially addressing a goal, depending on the content of each course. To "complete" a goal for graduation, students must successfully complete either one course that substantially addresses an aspirational goal, or two courses that partially address an aspirational goal. Many courses at HWS address more than one aspirational goal. To complete the graduation requirements related to the six aspirational goals, each student must address each of the six goals, and must complete at least five different courses to satisfy the goals. This does not mean goal courses need to be unique from courses counted towards majors and minors; rather, in the list of courses that a student completes towards the six aspirational goals, there must be a minimum of five different courses. Course lists that address each goal are available online (, and each course that counts either partially or substantially towards a particular goal will be indicated in PeopleSoft under "Course Attributes."

Writing Requirement

Students may be required to enroll in writing courses at two points in their studies. First-year students needing special attention for their writing skills may be required to enroll in and pass with a letter grade of C- or better WRRH 100 Writer's Seminar during the fall semester. First-Year Seminar instructors may require a student enrolled in their seminar to take a supplemental writing class during the student's first year. Courses that satisfy this requirement are any 100-level rhetoric course.


The major provides the means by which students acquire knowledge in depth of a discipline, interdisciplinary program, or individually designed area of study.

The typical departmental major at the Colleges requires ten to twelve courses in the major department, and may require additional courses from related departments. The total number and sequence of courses needed to complete the major are determined by the department or program. All departments and programs require a capstone course or experience, typically completed in a student's senior (or junior) year, to complete a major. Students should consult departmental or program offerings in this catalogue or discuss requirements with the department chair or program coordinator. In the case of individual majors (see below), the student should consult with their advisor and the Individual Majors Committee.

Students must declare a major before they register for classes during the second semester of their sophomore year. Failure to declare a major by the deadline set by the Deans and the Registrar will result in the student being blocked from registration. In addition, students are responsible for ensuring that prerequisites for the major are met as they plan their schedules. Some students choose to do two majors rather than a major and a minor, but this is not a requirement. Of the courses required for a major, six must be unique to that major (i.e., cannot be counted toward another major or minor).

Individual Majors

The Individual Majors program provides students the opportunity to design an individually tailored major when the focus of study lies outside an established department or program-based major, and/or combines multiple disciplines. To create an Individual Major proposal, the student works closely with a faculty advisor and designs a specific curriculum of study (including a capstone course or experience), articulating the focus and goals of the major. The student's proposal and advisor's recommendation are submitted to the Individual Majors Committee, which reviews the proposal. Once an Individual Major is approved, any subsequent changes to the student's curriculum or major must be approved by the Individual Majors Committee and the student's advisor. While most Individual Majors earn a B.A., it is possible to create an Individual Major with a B.S.; this requires a minimum of 16 major courses, all from within the natural sciences division.

All course work for the major must be passed with a grade of C- or better, including courses taken credit/no credit. The Individual Majors Committee takes the role of departmental/program chair for certifying the student's completed program of study (senior audit).

The process of designing and submitting an Individual Major requires a substantial time commitment. Students who are interested in pursuing an Individual Major are encouraged to begin the process in the first semester of their sophomore year by contacting a faculty advisor, reviewing the Individual Majors proposal form, and contacting the Individual Majors Committee.


A minor also allows students to focus on a particular area of study, though to a lesser extent than a major. Minors ordinarily consist of five or six courses. Students can file a declaration of minor at any time but should do so prior to the second semester of their third year. Declaration consists of completing a form that names the minor field, lists the courses that count toward the minor, and includes the signatures of the student and the department chair or program director of the minor department or field. Of the courses required for a minor, three must be unique to the minor (cannot be counted toward another major or minor).

Degree Audit Plan

Late in their third year, all students must complete a degree audit plan with their faculty advisor. This plan records a student's progress in addressing the Colleges' educational goals and objectives, and progress in completing a major and minor (or second major). The plan identifies work to be done in the senior or baccalaureate year to complete all requirements. If any substitutions for any requirement for the major or minor have been granted, including use of an abroad course, an updated major or minor audit form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office along with a substitution form, which can be obtained from the Deans. Seniors may not declare additional majors or minors, unless required for graduation, after the Friday before Spring Break.

Independent Study

Students who have demonstrated a capacity for individual work at an advanced level may, with the permission and under the guidance of a faculty instructor, register for independent study. Each department sets its own qualifications for such advanced work.

Independent study may grow out of a regular course, or it may deal with problems or fields not otherwise covered in regular course offerings. It may take one or a combination of several forms:

  • Extensive reading from a bibliography, ordinarily compiled in consultation with a faculty member, and a final examination.
  • An individual research topic approved by the instructor and culminating in a substantial course paper.
  • A scientific experiment, a musical composition, an art project, a play, or some other individual work approved and supervised by the instructor.

In all cases, independent study is under the supervision of a faculty member who guides the student in planning and carrying out the program.

Independent study is listed on the student's record and confers credit. Both full credit and half credit opportunities are available for independent study, depending on the scope and depth of work and hours committed to the independent study.

Credit Bearing Internships

Students may earn course credit for an internship experience in two ways: 

  • Half Credit Internship - Students may register for a half-credit (.50) internship INT 199. The INT 199 credit- bearing internship course registration allows students to receive half credit for an approved internship. Half-credit internships must include a minimum of 85 hours, of which at least 60 must be on-site contact hours, and supplemental activities regarding the experience as required by the faculty advisor.
  • Full Credit Internship - Some programs and departments offer a 499 full credit (1.00) internship course. Full-credit internships must include a minimum of 170 hours, of which at least 120 must be on-site contact hours, and supplemental activities regarding the experience as required by the faculty advisor.

Students are advised to be in close contact with their advisor as they plan their internship experience. Students may receive financial compensation for their internship, including wages. A maximum of two INT 199 internships may count toward graduation requirements. Students should meet with their faculty advisor to discuss the internship, and to make sure all required documentation has been submitted and received. Once their advisor has approved the internship, students should bring the form to their dean for final approval. An evaluation from the site supervisor should be sent to the advisor after the internship is completed, and the advisor will submit a grade. Any international student doing an INT 199 must have the signature of approval from the Director of International Students Affairs. 

Course Equivalents

Normally, a student takes four courses per semester. However, students may develop imaginative alternative programs that substitute other forms of academic activity for one or more courses. Course equivalents have been undertaken in the form of internships at Geneva General Hospital, Rochester General Hospital, the Geneva Historical Society, radio stations and newspapers and community service organizations. Students have also received course equivalents for volunteer research, and assistantships in law offices.

Course equivalents require the approval of the student's faculty advisor and the Committee on Standards. Course equivalents, which are listed with their title on the student's transcript, may count toward the major with the approval of the appropriate department chair. Course equivalents are not graded; they may be taken as credit/no credit only.

Degree Programs

Hobart and William Smith Colleges award two undergraduate degrees, the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science. The Colleges award three graduate degrees, the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), the Master of Science in Management, and the Master of Arts in Higher Education Leadership. In addition, the Colleges participate in several joint degree programs leading to a Hobart or William Smith undergraduate degree and a specialized degree from another institution.

Bachelor Degrees
Graduating seniors in the humanities and social sciences are awarded the degree Bachelor of Arts. Students who major in biology, chemistry, geoscience, mathematics, physics, or psychological science may choose to receive the degree Bachelor of Science, provided they meet departmental requirements and apply to receive approval from the chair of the major department. Individual Majors in scientific subjects may also receive the B.S. if their applications are approved by the Individual Majors Committee. At the discretion of each natural science department, certain courses not counted toward a normal major in that department may also not be counted toward the courses required for the B.S. Consultation with department chairs is advised.

Teacher Education Program
Hobart and William Smith Colleges offer an innovative Teacher Education Program embedded in the liberal arts. Through a series of seminars and field experiences that complement their regular academic schedules, students can earn New York State Initial teacher certification in one of 15 different programs. Normally, students apply toward the end of their first year, and if accepted, complete seminars and field experiences during their sophomore and junior years and, finally, student teach during one semester of their senior year.

The Ninth Semester Student-Teaching Option provides students increased flexibility in completing the Teacher Education Program. It permits students to delay starting the TEP until junior year or can help students balance demanding academic schedules. If all other requirements are completed, students can complete their student teaching semester as a tuition-free ninth semester. More information is available in Educational Studies section.

Joint Degree Programs


The Colleges have joint degree programs in engineering with the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University and the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College.

For the Columbia program, students spend three years at Hobart and William Smith, and then two years at Columbia. At the end of five years, the student receives a B.A. or B.S. from Hobart or William Smith and a B.S. in engineering from Columbia. In some cases, a student can arrange to receive the degree from Hobart or William Smith at the end of the fourth year, and the degree in engineering from Columbia at the end of the fifth year.

The Dartmouth program is structured a little differently. Typically, a student spends the first two years at Hobart and William Smith, the third year at Dartmouth, the senior year in Geneva at HWS, followed by the fifth and final year at Dartmouth. Upon completion, the student receives two degrees, a B.A. or B.S. from Hobart or William Smith and a B.E. from Dartmouth; again, in some cases, a student can arrange to receive the degree from Hobart or William Smith at the end of the fourth year, and the degree in engineering from Dartmouth at the end of the fifth year.

For more details on joint degree programs in engineering, consult Professor Donald Spector, Department of Physics.

The Colleges have agreements with both Clarkson University and the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) allowing students to complete the requirements for a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree in one year rather than the usual two or more. Admission to the "4-1" programs at Clarkson and RIT is available to students who include foundation courses in their undergraduate programs and meet prescribed admissions standards. For more details, consult Professor Warren Hamilton of the Department of Economics.

HWS and the University of Rochester School of Nursing have established a 4+3 program that provides third-year students a guaranteed seat in either the one-year post-baccalaureate program leading to RN licensure or the three-year program leading to nurse practitioner certification. For more details, contact the Health Professions Advisor in the Salisbury Center for Career, Professional and Experiential Education.

The Colleges have a joint degree program in law with Cornell Law School called the Law Early Admission Program (LEAP). Qualifying students who are accepted by Cornell spend the first three years at Hobart and William Smith and the following three years at Cornell Law School. Students may receive their B.A. from Hobart and William Smith after the fourth year and their degree in law from Cornell Law School after the sixth year. For more details on the LEAP program, consult Professor Beth Kinne, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies.

Financial Aid for 3-2 Joint Degree Programs
Financial aid for the 3-2 joint degree program (in which the student spends three years at HWS followed by two years at Columbia University) is available during the first three years at Hobart and William Smith Colleges through the regular financial aid application process and deadlines. For the two years of study at the other institution, Hobart and William Smith will not process or award any sources of financial assistance. Students should contact the other institution directly to find out what, if any, sources of financial assistance are available.

Financial Aid for 2-1-1-1 Joint Degree Programs
Financial aid for the 2-1-1-1 program with Dartmouth is available for the first four years of study through Hobart and William Smith. Financial aid for the fifth year is processed through Dartmouth. Contact Dartmouth directly for application requirements and deadlines.

Financial Aid for 3-3 Joint Degree Programs
Financial Aid for 3-3 Joint Degree Program Financial aid for the 3-3 joint degree programs (in which the student spends three years at HWS followed by three years at Cornell University) is available during the first three years at Hobart and William Smith Colleges through the regular financial aid application process and deadlines. For the three years of study at the other institution, Hobart and William Smith will not process or award any sources of financial assistance. You should contact the other institution.

graduate programs

Master of Arts in Higher Education Leadership (MHEL)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges offer a Master of Arts in Higher Education Leadership (MHEL) program. The MHEL is designed to engage students who wish to pursue a variety of careers in higher education, with an emphasis on social justice, systemic change, and student development. The program will engage and graduate students who are well-suited to the unique nature of small, residential institutions with a focus on the liberal arts.

The MHEL is a dynamic program that prepares students to apply effective and creative leadership in ways that challenge assumptions about higher education, strengthen capacity for systemic change, and support a contemporary generation of college students. Alongside compelling internships and graduate assistantships that offer future practitioners immersion experiences and practice in a wide array of campus offices and neighboring campuses, students take courses that encourage them to analyze and critique the history and policy of higher education, identify ways in which they can act on their personal commitments as they relate to diversity, equity and inclusion, and have opportunities to investigate leadership and innovation techniques. Ultimately, graduates are ready for a wide spectrum of entry-level and middle-management positions in student affairs as well as other professional areas within colleges, universities, community colleges, and policymaking organizations.

Upon graduation, MHEL students will be able to:

  • Support a contemporary generation of college students within a rapidly changing social, cultural, political, and economic landscape.
  • Analyze and critique the history and politics of higher education in ways that reflect their lived experiences, best-practices, and professional aspirations.
  • Advocate for students in ways that demonstrate a thorough understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion and foster student success.
  • Contribute to higher education as emerging practitioners who can act on their personal commitments, skills, and abilities.
  • Demonstrate effective and creative leadership as they advocate for positive personal, inter-personal, structural, and institutional change to promote inclusive and innovative organizations and programs.

The MHEL requires completion of 10 courses including eight courses (4 core courses, 4 elective courses) and four half-credit assistantship or internship placements. In the spring of their second year, each student will also complete a graduate seminar tied to an assistantship or internship placement.

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
The Master of Arts in Teaching is a fifth-year graduate program that builds on the successful undergraduate Teacher Education Program at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and is only open to eligible students who are enrolled in the TEP. The program is designed to be completed in one academic year, during which students continue their liberal arts studies at the same time they prepare for teacher certification. At the conclusion of the program, students are eligible to apply for Initial New York State Teacher Certification, which may be raised to the Professional level after three years of full-time teaching.

The MAT program consists of nine graduate course credits. Candidates must pass all of the courses in the program with a grade of B- or better and maintain a 3.0 GPA during the graduate year. In the spring semester of the senior year, students take EDUC 420 Research in Education. In the fall semester of the graduate year, students carry out their student teaching and take an accompanying seminar. In the spring of the graduate year, students take EDUC 820 Graduate Seminar in Education Research or EDUC 821 Education Foundations, complete a masters project through EDUC 801 & EDUC 803, and take two elective courses in liberal arts disciplines or programs.

The MAT program at Hobart and William Smith Colleges combines with the work students complete during their undergraduate years in the Colleges’ Teacher Education Program to convey all the credits and experiences needed for teaching certification in New York State. Eligible certification programs include Childhood Education (grades 1-6); dual Childhood Education and Students with Disabilities (grades 1-6); and Adolescent Education (grades 7-12 in the subject areas of biology, chemistry, earth science, English, French, Latin, mathematics, physics, social studies, or Spanish). The MAT program has not yet been expanded to include the three newer certification programs: Art, Music, and TESOL.

Master of Science in Management (MSM)
This one-year Master of Science in Management (MSM) program builds on the value of our undergraduate liberal arts education, providing students with the additional skills, knowledge, and insight necessary to enable students to have a rewarding career. Coursework includes a combination of required management core courses and electives selected in consultation with their advisor. Students also complete an internship and participate in a series of skill building and experiential learning activities designed to set graduates apart from their peers.

Upon graduation, Master in Management students will be able to:

  • Develop the critical analysis and communication skills necessary for leaders in the public or private sector.
  • Recognize the importance of fostering inclusive workplaces with diverse teams and cultivating organizational cultures that allow for creative ideas and evidence-based solutions to tackling significant issues on a local and global scale.
  • Engage in targeted internships selected to advance each student’s professional goals.

The Master of Science in Management can be earned in either an innovative 3+1 model (students complete a bachelor’s and master’s in four years) or the more traditional 4+1 (4-year undergrad program followed by a 1-year master’s). Ambitious students can complete both the bachelor’s and the master’s in as few as four years.

The Master of Science in Management and the Advanced Certificate in Management are open to all students regardless of major as an undergraduate.

Off Campus Study

We live in an increasingly interdependent world. Economic problems that challenge the European Union affect investors on Wall Street and consumers on Main Street; political tensions in the Middle East affect farmers in Iowa; and cultural trends emerging in the Pacific Rim influence the music and film industries across the U.S. As the pace of technological change intensifies, and given the pressing issues facing the world today, we recognize we can no longer be satisfied with an existence that is isolated from and unconcerned with events that occur in the world around us.

About 60% of all Hobart and William Smith students engage in some kind of off-campus/international learning experience before they graduate. Whether the experience is volunteering with a service organization in South Africa, interning with an organization in London or Brussels, or conducting fieldwork on the Great Barrier Reef, students at the Colleges understand the value of "breaking away" to discover something about themselves and others that cannot be as easily discovered in Upstate New York.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges encourage students to look for an off-campus experience that is appropriate to their academic and personal interests. The Colleges offer a wide variety of programs in different academic disciplines in a multitude of locations across the globe.

Because the Hobart and William Smith curriculum seeks to prepare students to live as global citizens, the academic program in many departments has been structured to facilitate off-campus study.

In recent years, the Colleges have offered semester-long off-campus programs on six continents, including such locations as: Amman, Jordan; Auckland, New Zealand; Berlin, Germany; Brussels, Belgium; Copenhagen, Denmark; Galway, Ireland; Lisbon, Portugal; Makhanda, South Africa; Queensland, Australia; Seoul, South Korea; Seville, Spain; and Valparaíso, Chile. A number of these programs are led by Hobart and William Smith faculty, representing various disciplines, who design courses utilizing the sites and resources of the host countries. Others are offered through a long-standing partnership with Union College while additional off-campus study opportunities are available through partner institutions in the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium.

There are other opportunities for Hobart and William Smith students to gain international experience and awareness. A variety of short-term program options are offered during the summer or between semesters, making international study accessible for students who may be unable to participate in a semester program.

A full listing of offerings, as well as information about these programs, is available from the Center for Global Education. Students should consult the website and individual program pages for specific details such as program dates, course offerings, eligibility, financial aid and cost information, and accommodations, as well as to learn more about the application process.