When You Return
Re-entry programming is a hallmark of the Hobart and William Smith abroad experience. Whether you need a sounding board for the reverse culture shock you're feeling or a venue to reflect on and share your life abroad, the Center for Global Education will meet you where you are, providing opportunities for engagement and supporting your journey to global citizenship.
2023 Photo Contest Virtual Gallery
Re-Entry Resources
Returning home from an abroad experience can bring unexpected challenges, like reverse culture shock. The CGE can help you make sense of your journey.
Post-Grad Opportunities
Want to continue expanding your worldview? The CGE has a few suggestions for how to continue your abroad experience after graduation.
Become a Programming Assistant, Global Ambassador or Global Buddy and use your experience to help others on the road to global citizenship.
Host a Global Cafe
A bi-weekly event, Global Cafes provide a venue for students to share a piece of their global experience with campus. Past events have featured visual arts and photography, dance, music, food, sports and more.
The Aleph
Contribute writing, photos or art to the HWS journal of global perspectives.
Participate in the annual abroad photo contest or submit your work for inclusion in the global visions galleries.
Internships & Service
Apply what you've learned abroad to an internship, research or service placement.
Learn how to communicate and apply your experience in our Reader's College course.