Selected Transcripts

Tom Bozzuto '68
Convocation Remarks
August 28, 2017
As the Chair of the Board of Trustees, it is an honor to be here to celebrate the opening of the academic year. This is also my opportunity to formally introduce the campus community to our new president.
In a sea of incredibly qualified presidential candidates, Greg Vincent’s passion for the liberal arts, his expertise in higher education, and his entrepreneurial leadership style stood out. He has something special – a deep knowledge of our history and a passion to push the Colleges to new levels of achievement. We are thrilled to have him.
A national expert on civil rights, social justice and campus culture, President Vincent previously served at the University of Texas at Austin as Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement, W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community College Leadership and Professor of Law. He earned his law degree from Ohio State University and his doctorate from The University of Pennsylvania.
During his career, he’s been a civil rights attorney, a successful college administrator, a noted scholar and author, and a gifted faculty member.
And it all started right here at Hobart College where President Vincent majored in history and economics, was a resident assistant, and was a member of the Hobart basketball and cross-country teams.
I often say that the best leaders know there is only one response to a compliment about their achievements, and that is that they’ve got a great team. And President Vincent has just that in the talented faculty and staff who have dedicated their careers and their lives to ensuring that the Colleges and our students thrive.
To each of these extraordinary people, I’d like to say thank you.
To our students, welcome to a new academic year. Please know that there is a substantial cohort of extraordinary alumni and alumnae ready and willing to assist you at any time. I urge you to take advantage of us. We’re here for you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, one of our distinguished alums, from the Hobart Class of 1983, President Gregory J. Vincent.