Course withdrawals, Leaves & Departing HWS
Phone: (315) 781-3467
Email: hwsdeans@hws.edu
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday
There are several reasons why a student’s Hobart and William Smith journey may be interrupted. Whether a semester-long leave or an indefinite separation from HWS, we aim to make the transition as easy for our students as possible. If you are considering leaving HWS, please review the information outlined below to determine your next steps.
types of Leave
personal leave of absence
Students can choose to take a semester off at any time for any reason. Discuss your plans with the Deans so you can ensure a smooth departure and seamless return to HWS.
medical leave of absence
Students may need to take a medical leave to attend to their personal health and wellness. The Office of Campus Life will work directly with you and your family to facilitate departure from and reentry to Hobart and William Smith, as specific conditions must be met before you can return to campus.
transfer to another institution
Students who are interested in transferring to another institution should make an appointment with their Dean to discuss the transfer process and request a College Report to use on applications to other institutions. If you successfully enroll at another institution, you can no longer be enrolled at HWS.
administrative leave of absence
Students are asked to leave the institution when they fail to meet HWS academic standards or after violating HWS community standards. The Deans will communicate directly with you and your family if administrative leave is required. Explicit conditions must be met before you can return to campus.
indefinite withdrawal
On occasion, students leave HWS without a definite plan for their return. If plans to return are not communicated to HWS, your record will be deactivated after two consecutive semesters away from the institution. Students who have previously matriculated should contact the Deans to re-enroll at HWS.
Considering a departure?
If you are considering a leave, possible transfer or are unsure what to do next, complete the Departure Assistance Form at the link below. You will be contacted to discuss your options and receive assistance on next steps.
stay connected while on leave
Students on personal, medical or academic leave may participate in certain HWS programming during their leave to stay connected to our community.
- Take an online J-term or Maymester course to keep you on track toward graduation.
- Participate in an asynchronous Personal Empowerment or Design Your Life program and meet regularly with the program advisor while on leave. Then, complete the program in person during your first weeks back on campus to earn a ½ credit.
- Take courses at a local college and transfer credits to HWS. Contact your advisor, dean, and the registrar to coordinate the transfer of credits from another college to HWS while you are on leave.
Hobart and William Smith Deans'
hwsdeans@hws.edu or (315) 781-3467
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday
- Considering a departure
- Personal and academic leaves
- Transferring to another institution
- Process for returning to campus after a personal or academic leave
Campus Life
Campuslife2@hws.edu or (315) 781-3900
- Medical leaves
- Process for returning to campus after a medical leave
- Housing questions
registrar@hws.edu or (315) 781-3651
- Check course standing
- Registration for an upcoming semester
- Progress toward graduation
Student Accounts
studentaccounts@hws.edu or (315) 781-3343
- Billing information
- Refund policy
Frequently asked questions
Can I take a short-term leave for bereavement, a medical procedure, vacation or other reason mid-semester?
No. HWS does not offer temporary leaves. If a student needs to leave Hobart and Williams Smith for an extended period of time, they will be withdrawn from their current courses, receiving a W on their transcript for the semester. Students are not able to re-enroll until the start of a new semester, pending completion of reentry conditions.
Can I receive full or partial credit for courses in progress when I take a leave?
No. All course withdrawals will result in a W on your transcript, regardless of reason for leaving mid-semester.
Will my tuition and fees be reimbursed if I do not complete the full semester?
HWS follows a strict refund policy. Students who take a leave of any kind mid-semester should review the refund policy in detail. Contact the Office of Student Accounts for more information.
Why did my financial aid offer change upon returning to HWS?
Students receiving need-based financial aid should review the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements with the Office of Financial Aid. Students must continue to progress academically to continue receiving financial aid in future semesters. Check in with Financial Aid each semester of your leave to ensure you are staying on track.
What happens to my student loans while on a leave?
If you choose to take a leave of absence from school, the grace period on your federal student loans will begin the day you leave HWS. During your six-month grace period, you do not have to pay on your federal loans. Once that six- month grace period expires, repayment of your federal student loans will begin, and you will be required to make a monthly payment. More information can be found at studentaid.gov. Please consult with Financial Aid regarding your loan status if you have further questions.
How many courses can I drop without taking a leave?
Students wishing to withdraw from a single class during a semester do not need to take a leave. Please instead consult our registration policies. Students wishing to withdraw from two or more classes during a semester should consult their Dean.