Instructions for Honors Forms
Students enrolled in the first semester of Honors (“495”) must submit two online forms through a portal system by the 10th week. Below is a description of the content needed to complete these forms.
The Honors Project Proposal Form will require the following information:
1. Name
2. Contact Information (cell phone and email address)
3. Class Year
4. Major
5. Academic adviser*
6. Honors faculty adviser*
7. Faculty reference*
- You will be asked to provide the name faculty member who is willing to serve as a reference of support for this Honors project. This person should NOT be directly involved with the Honors project but who can provide information about your potential for advanced-level coursework (e.g. a major adviser). The person who is named as the reference will be notified for approval of support.
8. Project description
- You will need to compose a short (250 words or less) overview of the intended Honors project in a separate document (to be uploaded).
- Be sure to address each of the following points in this description:
- Project goals.
- Provide examples of primary sources (or the equivalent) that will be explored or used (three minimum).
- Identify any additional resources that may be needed.
- Identify any challenges or barriers that may impact the project (e.g., lack of a specific piece of equipment at HWS). If possible, offer a potential solution.
IMPORTANT: Please name the file as follows: LastName_FirstName_SemesterYear (example: Smith_Mary_Fall2022) prior to uploading.
9. Timeline
- Please provide a projected timeline (semester and year) of the proposed project. Identify the major phases for each semester.
10. Intended Honors field of study (e.g. Psychology, Religious Studies, Environmental Studies).
11. Briefly explain how the Honors coursework will contribute to your major (or minor).
The Record of the Honors Project Field Form will ask for the following information:
1. Name
2. Faculty Adviser
3. Major
4. Academic field of the Honors Project
5. Number and title of each course taken (within or outside the departmental major) which define the field of the Honors project. These courses should be the focus of the written examination.